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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I think we have heard the last from this slime.
  2. You mean I mistakenly inferred racism to mean racist? The statement about about Hussey's line of questioning. Move on.
  3. A spokesperson speaks for whom he represents. His comments have not been refuted.
  4. Yes he did. The spokesman didn't do a Trump and wander off script.
  5. So we'll wait for the retraction and apology to Hussey from Prince William?
  6. As I said, "pedo guy" has only one meaning to any native English speaker.
  7. Does is explain what his comment meant other than a slur?
  8. When did "Global Majority" become a thing? Much less a pejorative? Between this and wokeness being a religion I'm smelling crazy in the air today.
  9. I don't agree. Her line of questioning was lucid and to the point. Her responses were sharp.
  10. A link to the claim of fact you made in the post I quoted will do fine. I'll wait.
  11. You made a factual claim and failed to attribute it.
  12. She was entitled to complain about palace racism. Where's your link to a factual claim?
  13. The question was asked out of the blue. Your emphasis on the tone is a deflection.
  14. Ngozi was obviously there in her official capacity, as was Hussey. She was entitled to wear clothing calling attention to the cause she represented. She answered fully and truthfully when she was asked where she was from. She named the charity. When asked where her people came from she answered fully and directly, where her charity was based. Then Hussey went on the attack and made it abundantly clear she was talking about Ngozi's race. The palace, through Prince William made it abundantly and immediately clear that her line of questioning was racist. The straw clutching going on here is pathetic.
  15. For over a month the House GOP Judiciary Panel proudly posted their mantra on Twitter. Elon, Kanye, Trump. The problem arose when the quiet part got spoken out loud. West couldn't be relied upon to just whistle to the dogs. He was too stupid for that. Now the GOP had to run away. They deleted their tweet. No mea culpa. No Sorry guys, we got that wrong. No Freedom Party condemnation of West. Just a case of sorry, we got caught.
  16. Are we expected to believe that Musk remains mired in the bigoted juvenile epithets of his childhood in the then racist South Africa?
  17. It said NOTHING about what the word actually meant. Only what Musk claimed it meant after the excrement hit the fan.
  18. Nobody thinks "pedo guy" doesn't mean pedophile.
  19. The right can't believe that not everyone is a team player. I'd suggest I'm at least descended of as much white anglo saxon protestant stock as anyone. That would likely come as a surprise to some.
  20. Nothing, but it says a lot about why he likes Trump and Hitler. I deliberately put them in the same sentence to help you connect the dots.
  21. Is there something morally reprehensible about a charity director wearing apparel from the most needy continent on the planet?
  22. Nobody can rewrite history. Musk is using weasel words.
  23. “He was an amazing running back,” Warnock said of Walker. “And come next Tuesday, we’re going to send him running back to Texas.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/01/obama-warnock-georgia-senate-rally-00071784
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