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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You could image the drive but then that doesn't show what was in memory at the time. You are correct, it's impossible. What is probably being referred to here is recovery of deleted data, if it hasn't already been overwritten.
  2. Yeah, I had 4 injections then I got covid. Fortunately the vaccine protected me from getting really ill.
  3. I'm just saying that if H Biden had done anything illegal, he would have been charged years ago. If it's later established that he did then fine, he deserves it.
  4. Yes, and everyone has the right to suffer the consequences of their vile and intolerant hate speech.
  5. The last time Republicans ran the House, the likely next speaker, then-Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, bragged about using the Benghazi investigation, a two-year, $7-million spectacle to hurt Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming president. They never found any wrongdoing: they were just playing politics. And now they're trying to do it again. https://www.newsweek.com/investigating-impeaching-biden-may-not-work-out-way-gop-wants-opinion-1761166
  6. If they kept those beliefs to themselves,all would be good. They could just lie in their own swill. However, using your platform to spread a message of hate which is protected only in the US (in western democracies) is unacceptable. Shaming their advertisers is a very effective way of forcing some civility.
  7. 'Toxic Twitter' activists ramp up pressure on brands after Trump account reinstated The groups in the Stop Toxic Twitter coalition complained that Musk had vowed to advertisers that Twitter would take a considered approach to reinstating banned accounts and convene a new content moderation council. No such council has been created as of Monday. "It was a real breach," Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters, a left-leaning media watchdog that is part of the coalition, said on Monday. He said Musk "was lying from the beginning." https://www.reuters.com/technology/toxic-twitter-activists-ramp-up-pressure-brands-after-trump-account-reinstated-2022-11-21/
  8. The world will never reward a war criminal. Russia will soon be looking for a diplomatic way out on Ukrainian terms, not the other way round.
  9. Fox News host doubles down on LGBTQ hate after Colorado Springs mass shooting Carlson has long had problems with LGBTQ people, dating back to his college yearbook in which he claimed he was a member of the Dan White Society. Dan White was the man who assassinated LGBTQ rights activist Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone in 1978. Over the years, Carlson has been triggered by drag queens in full regalia reading children's books to kids. He has also attacked people who claimed that allowing medical care for transgender youth is akin to being a child molester. https://www.rawstory.com/fox-news-lgbt-hate/
  10. BTC will continue going down as long as interest rates keep rising and access to money gets tighter. Only when interest rates start coming down and stimulus money is injected into the economy again will I sit up and take notice. Same goes for stocks, housing and gold.
  11. The chances that so many of these are those other groups and NOT Russian has to be vanishingly small. Occam's razor.
  12. It's always mental illness when it's far right domestic terrorists. Your garbage source is not an approved source. Anyone still not think that far right extremist domestic terrorism is by far America's biggest threat? Where's any evidence of his history of mental illness. That would have been another red flag to his getting a gun but it hasn't been mentioned. Meantime, we are seeing reports of many threats to children's hospitals by these pond scum.
  13. They speak Russian. They also hang around in small groups in the burbs and aren't apparently going to the bars or with "girlfriends". The clues are out there.
  14. Tourists? More like refugees from Putin's army draft. I see many young Russian males around Pattaya lately.
  15. You don't know that. Certainly, if Biden didn't pay tax on any kickbacks (if he got any) then yes he should be indicted by the IRS.
  16. Many GOP reps are afraid of overreach. They are going to make the same mistake as 2020 and 2022.
  17. If Hitler was alive today, should he be banned from Twitter? You obviously wouldn't think so, judging by that response. Should Putin be allowed on Twitter? All three, racists alike.
  18. The article mentions that the Alaska election is ranked choice. This allows several candidates from the same party to face a general election. Unfortunately, the lack of such a system is how Trump won his primary with less than 40% of the Republican primary vote.
  19. I hope they do. This is Biden's worst mistake. I think it signals the end of his plans for re-election, if he had any. The senate should send up a non veto bill to reverse his decision.
  20. The interesting question is whether Biden really did take kick backs and if he did, were they even illegal? Other president(s) have taken massive kick backs for pay for play and not been charged.
  21. Your post is the howler. Why the hell should a SC nominee answer biology 101 questions which are just red meat for the bigots?
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