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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. He did force the Chinese to pay a tariff for US imports. </sarc>
  2. On Wednesday, writing for The Daily Beast, political and national security analyst David Rothkopf warned that Trump's "authoritarian" allies and followers still have grand designs of dismantling American civil institutions and killing democracy — and while the GOP's underperformance in 2022 was a setback, it was by no means the end of their ambitions. https://www.rawstory.com/maga-authoritarians-are-still-set-on-tearing-down-democracy-even-after-taking-a-beating-analyst/
  3. Even Christian evangelists don't have the courage of their convictions. Robert Jeffress, a pastor at the First Baptist Dallas church in Texas and staunch evangelical ally of Donald Trump, said on Wednesday that he will wait for the Republican Party nomination to endorse the former president. "Donald Trump was a great president, and if he becomes the GOP nominee in 2024 I will happily support him," Jeffress told Newsweek. When further asked about supporting Trump ahead of the Republican nomination, Jeffress told Newsweek that "the Republican Party is headed toward a civil war that I have no desire or need to be part of. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-key-evangelical-ally-robert-jeffress-wont-endorse-him-yet-1760175
  4. Well, no. The great hope of the Trumpsters is that will be the last fair election.
  5. But as long as his trolling stands, it does provide a cue to attack religious political extremism. All good.
  6. My "own version" is based entirely on research and exit polling results. The right have not won the popular vote for some time and their time is running out.
  7. I notice not one major network, including Fox, carried Trumps campaign launch speech in its entirety, CNN just broadcast Pence's town hall uninterrupted. Sneaky.
  8. Pence, live on CNN now just said the NASA shot was important because it carried freedom into space. Could you imagine anything more trite or derived of meaning? Just like the man himself who prays for political guidance.
  9. Could you even imagine Trump riding a bicycle on a daily basis?
  10. The nexus between education, religiosity and conservatism is well documented. After a little research it's easy to draw conclusions.
  11. Why do you think the Dems will back off from attacking Trump? Do they fear him? You might have a point. Maybe it would make strategic sense for the Dems to throw faint praise towards Trump and vote him up in polls to give him a boost in the primaries. Trump is the person the Dems fear the least. Why? Because angry old white men without college degrees are a diminishing demographic and therefore a spent political force.
  12. Trump, more than anyone knows the Christian Nationalists are useful idiots.
  13. Fresh off her court win against the former president, Manigault Newman told MSNBC's Rev. Al Sharpton that she's concerned about the fact that Trump "hasn't come forward and talked about his health." "I don't know if he will even be healthy enough to run in 2024," she said, according to MSNBC. "I think he needs to come clean to the American people about where he is on that before deciding to get into a very stressful and strenuous race for the White House." https://www.businessinsider.com/former-aide-omarosa-trump-wont-be-healthy-enough-2024-run-2021-10
  14. Rubbish, and you knoiw it. Acquitted in a political impeachment trial mean nothing. Same as Trump acquitted twice, big buyer's remorse there now.
  15. Activists have lamented that waiting for an indictment has left them hopeless. But according to "The View's" Sunny Hostin, sources she knows inside the Justice Department said that an indictment is coming down for Trump in the next 30 to 90 days. Alyssa Farah Griffin agreed she's heard the same thing from her sources. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-indictment-predictions/
  16. Some folks taking a sucker punch. The old pump and dump trick. It's a time tested stock market trick. Shares of companies tied to former U.S. President Donald Trump reversed course to fall on Wednesday, following a recent rally in the run-up to him launching a bid to regain the presidency in 2024. Shares of Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.O), the blank-check company looking to take Trump's social media venture Truth Social public, fell 4.8% in early trading. The stock was 10% higher in premarket hours. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/trump-tied-stocks-jump-former-president-launches-2024-white-house-bid-2022-11-16/
  17. Putin asked and as not rebuffed but did not follow through. Unlike Trump who regularly does.
  18. Senate Republicans let their fury and frustration out at one another during a lengthy closed-door meeting that revealed the bitter feelings left over from a crushingly disappointing midterm election. An at-times nasty and personal discussion took place at the Senate GOP lunch, where Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who have been at odds for months, traded recriminations over who was to blame for the GOP’s failure to win back the Senate. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3737223-gop-acrimony-spills-over-at-heated-senate-lunch/
  19. I didn't think it was anything to do with Trump. Putin had taken that decision long before Trump peed in a Moscow hotel bed.
  20. I saw a headline that Trump related stocks jumped. Didn't read it so can't link.
  21. The salient point is that there was never any western resistance to Russia joining NATO and the only reason it didn't was because Putin decided not to join.
  22. Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that he once raised the possibility of Russia joining NATO with then-President Bill Clinton, and that Clinton said he had "no objection." Putin delivered this account in a series of interviews with U.S. film director Oliver Stone set to air later this month on the U.S. television network Showtime. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-putin-says-discussed-joining-nato-with-clinton/28526757.html
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