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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Maybe the National Archives complaint was politically motivated and false? They colluded with the FBI to justify a fake raid.
  2. I can't see where any person of consequence claimed that Russia fired the missile. You know very well you need to cough up an actual link.
  3. You're required under board rules to provide those links when challenged.
  4. Dems are joining the MAGA crowd, boot scooting in the streets. Everybody's happy. Except for a few Republicans...
  5. Yes, they do. They are getting closer to the conclusion that intervention to end the war is needed I believe. Just my opinion from various comments. The war crimes are a factor as it the world economy and food prices.
  6. The third time I asked you now, who? I'm only aware that trump claimed it.
  7. Hopefully they will declare a no fly zone over Ukraine and use NATO forces to enforce it.
  8. No, even Poland is saying it was fired by Ukraine and was an unfortunate accident. NATO is still blaming Russia for the attacks anyway.
  9. Who? I already disputed that claim and you have not backed it up. And Trump did say it.
  10. Blackmailing Ukraine over weapons deliveries. This is why he was impeached. Treasonous Trump, the nicknames are coming easy now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/trump-ordered-hold-on-military-aid-days-before-calling-ukrainian-president-officials-say/2019/09/23/df93a6ca-de38-11e9-8dc8-498eabc129a0_story.html https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/16/trump-administration-broke-law-in-withholding-ukraine-aid.html
  11. Low Energy Don. Political experts, historians, and journalists have greatly criticized – and mocked – his speech and his attempt to re-enter the Oval Office, an attempt he reportedly is making to also evade criminal prosecution for a wide swatch of possible offenses. "Imagine losing the popular vote in two presidential elections, being impeached twice, inciting an insurrection, facing multiple criminal investigations, leading your party to historic midterm election losses, and deciding to run for president again as a ploy to avoid indictment," https://www.rawstory.com/straight-from-the-fascist-playbook-political-experts-pan-trumps-low-energy-third-presidential-run-announcement/
  12. Oh, it's entirely possible he's done nothing wrong and the classified folders were only folders and that raids were completely politically motivated and no there there. Totally possible. At this stage it would be the only major conspiracy theory in history that's been proved true.
  13. I think that's the only conclusion that's logical given that he hasn't been charged until now.
  14. I think they'll reset. I doubt they planned for needing 6 figures on the meter.
  15. I said earlier somewhere that I thought the Feds would wait till Herschel lost since they had waited this long.
  16. Indeed, they said at the time they were concerned about espionage. Probably still are.
  17. How the Supreme Court controlled the midterms While there is still a lot up in the air, two things are clear. One, the Democrats outperformed expectations around the country against enormous odds. The other thing that’s clear is that elections are being determined by Supreme Court https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/how-the-supreme-court-controlled-the-midterms/
  18. And, just in case you missed it, non profits are not legally permitted to be political.
  19. No. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-mark-zuckerberg-election-donations-188810437774
  20. 'Wildly inaccurate': Fact checker rips apart Trump's 'absurd' lies during 2024 announcement https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-lies-2658668436/ Facebook warns fact-checkers to hit the brakes on checking Trump's lies https://www.rawstory.com/trumps-lies-2658666628/
  21. Despite defending itself in court by saying no reasonable person would believe anything said on the channel. But that's off topic. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye
  22. It was a Russian rocket. That story never changed. Another story that never changed was that nobody of consequence who's not Ukrainian ever said that Russia fired it. Furthermore, it was admitted early on that there were no military targets in the district. Finally, the missile was fired in an attempt to defend against the commission of yet another war crime.
  23. U.S. President Joe Biden told allies that a missile that killed two people in Poland was a Ukrainian air defence missile, a NATO source said on Wednesday. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-hails-chinas-opposition-nuclear-threats-2022-11-15/
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