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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. https://www.globalproductprices.com/Thailand/beef_price/
  2. Study links identity threat among white evangelicals to the belief Trump’s election was part of God’s plan Trump’s invocation of the decline of white Christian America proved effective in activating religious identity threat in a way that led to white evangelicals to coalesce around his candidacy. In this way, Trump’s ability to articulate white evangelicals’ fears about the declining influence of Christianity likely overrode any lingering concerns about his religiosity.” https://nordot.app/965220703642222592?c=592622757532812385
  3. Only one side doesn't trust the elections, the side that doesn't want elections. There is no impetus to arbitrarily reduce the time allowed to count votes. To do so would require automated voting, you can't have it both ways. Not counting all votes because they ran out of time would be a non starter.
  4. CNN are reporting that Russia delayed their retreat from Kherson to help the traitor party. Same collusion which occurred when the Saudis cooperated with Russia to reduce oil production and maintain high inflation.
  5. "actively trying to get enemies of democracy and election deniers through GOP primaries" is willfully misunderstanding what happened. The dems, correctly calculated that underminers of democracy were never going to get to undermine anything and so backed them against actual competition. In other words, they knew that Trump was toxic and so adopted the simple strategy of backing his acolytes.
  6. all inherited He stirred up Palestinian unrest by moving the embassy to Jerusalem and declaring it the capital of Israel. Hardly peaceful. He also set an early date to bail out of Afghanistan instead of leaving it to his successor, probably as booby trap. Furthermore, Trump abandoned the Kurds in Syria, Despicable., Don't know much about it. Were there thousands of pardons of marijuana offences like Biden gave? Nothing to do with US policies. Trump's buddies just torpedoed lower gas prices in a bid to give his party a leg up in the recent election.
  7. It should return to the previous situation where there were more swing voters and the outcomes would be called earlier.
  8. Are you kidding? He had a great presidency! Why do you think he ran in the first place? https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2021/07/19/trumps-business-hauled-in-24-billion-during-four-years-he-served-as-president/?sh=5a12b94610c0
  9. The GOP made no promises other than complaints and threats of retribution. The other party made the promises. If the right made any promises it was to limit assistance to Ukraine.
  10. I'm no expert but I come from cattle country. There will never be an oversupply of beef.
  11. Why do you think Citizens United made it to the Supreme Court?
  12. Ask any Dem if they'd rather stand against DeSantis or Trump in 2024.
  13. Trump lost his own election in AZ and the GOP let him lose the senate in AZ in the mid terms. Dumb and dumber.
  14. Trump trashing McCain and then his daughter in AZ is testament to his intellectual incapacity. He simply did not understand the implications of trashing a national war hero who defended Obama Care because he knew it was the right thing to do given a 50/50 split. He wasn't going to thwart public opinion just because of a party line vote. AZ punished him and his MAGA accolytes. He lived as a hero and died a hero. If I'm not mistaken he essentially got out of his death bed to cast that vote.
  15. I have done, long ago, you tell me what's good about winning with a minority of votes unless you think you can never get a majority.
  16. I know that it isn';t but there are no good reasons. The US has the worst election system in the developed world. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2020-10-07/us-elections-compare-poorly-to-other-democracies-research-shows
  17. Definitely. Yet again, Trump lost the election for the GOP. Nominating crazies and spreading his message of hate all over swing states did a lot of damage. Lake was the most glaring example. The Georgia runoff will be interesting, given that there's a real danger of Manchin defecting to the GOP.
  18. It's fortunate that charisma and ability to give a good speech isn't the main arbiter of who wins elections. We remember a person in the past who was also a good speaker and had charisma. That was unfortunate.
  19. Furthermore, he stood by his own opinion and ignored the pollsters who claimed the dems should have been talking about inflation.
  20. I doubt that he believes he can avoid prosecution but if he doesn't run he can't control the narrative that it's all political.
  21. not to mention that Trump lost the popular vote and that counts as illegitimate in my book. Maybe Biden's too.
  22. I disagree, I think it is over. Just watch the blood letting among the GOP in the next congressional session. Do you think these wierdos can oust McConnell and his allies?
  23. Election deniers are those who believe the elections are rigged when they lose and the overwhelming majority of them are Republican. This isn't a case of "there's good people on both sides".
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