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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Immigration is restricted. The left have never challenged this. What the left ask is that refugees have their applications properly and legally processed in accordance with international law. If there's any stopping of immigration to be done it's fixing the push factors. The right love to claim that free stuff and welfare is the main driving factor but that's wrong. Immigration has never been greater than it is now. The pull factors have always been there.
  2. Not exactly the bank but I was at Big C in Pattaya today and at least 90% of Thais were wearing masks and 90% of foreigners were not. That sort of tin ear is unfortunate.
  3. And those daily newspapers aren't promoting stories mainly about non whites to press buttons like yours, right?
  4. It's all moot now, the video shows the motorcyclists were run over by the truck.
  5. The definition of racism and people's perception of what it was has not changed. What's changed is that more people thought racism was normal back then due to ignorance, lack of travel and lack of education. The people changed, not the concept.
  6. Oh rubbish. Australia had the White Australian Policy in full swing by then. Racism then was as it now.
  7. I'm going with not the Philippines because of the painted edge line and the made road edging. You're unlikely to see either except on an expressway which scooters aren't allowed on.
  8. Powell has been hoisted onto a pedestal by a racist right wing and co-opted as a rallying symbol. Similar to statues of Robert E Lee and a number of other infamous individuals in modern history.
  9. Powell defined racism as negro vs non-negro. That completely exposes his racist agenda right there.
  10. No, the thread is about how Enoch Powell is still revered now.
  11. What relevance does historical segregation have to racism now?
  12. There's no (legal) segregation right now and hasn't been for some time. Modern racism is rife in the UK just as it is in the US. It's in plain view on this board for all to see.
  13. With sentences like this being handed down I think there is an imperative that the authorities determine exactly how this happened and why.
  14. The white resentment card. Evening up the playing field is called affirmative action, not discrimination against white people.
  15. Just in case there's any doubt, they never abolished slavery in the UK until 1833. Modern racism is an artifact of the past. All countries are afflicted by it. None are inherently worse than another and the problem is way more prevalent than most people believe. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/12/british-history-slavery-buried-scale-revealed
  16. "Mr. Trump devoured intelligence briefings about his foreign counterparts before and after calls with them. He was eager to deepen his relationships with autocrats like Kim Jong-un of North Korea or Xi Jinping of China and to get leverage over allies he took a personal dislike to, such as Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada," The Times reported. Trump had reportedly bragged to friends he "knew illicit details" about Macron's sex life. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-devoured-intel-briefings-on-counterparts-as-he-sought-leverage-of-allies-he-disliked-report/
  17. Even if he didn't indicate it doesn't mean he caused the accident. It would be a separate charge.
  18. He has a perfect right to comment on any post or any subject on this board, same as you. If you had standards about who posts where you wouldn't have made this post. Stop attacking other board members. He probably knows as much about your country as you do.
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