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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I see that I have to eat my words here since the fall of Adiivka yesterday. Thanks in no small part to the MAGA traitors in the House.
  2. One would have thought he'd have them made by Louis Vuitton under license and paid them a royalty to rebrand them. Nope, just the number 13 Chinese sneaker factory.
  3. A cursory glance around the media reveals a surge in both islamophobic and antisemitic comments. The worst part is the main offenders on both sides seem to make such comments while claiming victimhood.
  4. The OD says antisemitism is this and only this: hate towards or unfair treatment of Jewish people. Nothing to do with any nationality or politics. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/anti-semitism
  5. Yes. Nothing in a civil trial prevents a subsequent criminal trial. In this case it has now been established that Trump personally directed the fraud so It would be surprising that criminal charges aren't in the pipeline. IRS funding for such investigations has been nobbled by the GOP to protect billionaires from tax fraud investigations. This case will be hard for the IRS to ignore.
  6. Wasn't Israel founded as a secular nation? Benjamin Netanyahu comes from the tendency in Zionism that was as secular as the socialists but that was inclined to support relatively free markets and, above all, a vigorous and, if necessary, aggressive treatment of Israel’s enemies. The difference was that the left assumed that there could be a political settlement with neighboring states, while the right assumed that this was unlikely and could be attained only through a crushing defeat. Both shared the idea of Israel as a state at or near war, but one thought this condition permanent, and the other was trying to craft a solution. https://geopoliticalfutures.com/israel-and-the-emerging-crisis-of-the-secular-and-the-religious/
  7. Trump paraphernalia has previously been made in Thailand and Ivanka has even registered fashion trademarks there.
  8. It's very sad that this is happening but hardly surprising.
  9. The irony in all this blaming Biden is that illegal immigration correlates with the jobs on offer and with an overheated economy the US has plenty of jobs on offer. Biden's economy is booming. Just like Obama stopped the Bush falling knife at the beginning of his term, Biden reversed a decline ion unemployment. Dem presidents always do. Now the right wing want to blame Biden for the immigration problem. The overheated economy is one big reason that the billionaires really don't want to do anything concrete to stop it.
  10. I'd hazard a guess that the IRS may well file charges for tax evasion against Trump personally after this. The civil trial went after his company because Trump essentially laid the blame at his accountants' feet but the evidence now points to direct involvement by Trump himself.
  11. It's pretty obvious what's going on here. Thailand doesn't have professional marathon runners or iron man competitors and while they don't want to discourage international runners from coming to Thailand to compete for the trophies and the glory they likewise don't want the foreign professionals from cleaning up the m0oney and disincentivizing local sports. It's also worth noting that many of these prodfessionals got to be professionals on the back og government support for sports in their richer home or adopted countries. My gym trainer runs in almost all these events, marathon and iron man. tl:dr; nothing to see here.
  12. "They are a human being and as such should be afforded the same rights and benefits as the rest of us. But I do not believe that should include accepting that a male is now a female. " Respect would actually being to read a little science and not trying to humiliate people based on the genetics they were handed at birth.
  13. Really? they don't have a solution for it? Every single one of them has said burning fossil fuels is the main problem.
  14. Thais do not generally consider the word farang to be any more than a neutral world and do not intend or consider its use to be racist.
  15. Putin is of course going to say that. He needs Trump to win badly so his buddies in the MAGA cult retain control of the House and can always go on vacation instead of having to defend not giving weapons to Ukraine. Trump's biggest US public perception liability is his attachment to Putin. That alone is likely to cost him the election. The statement was a ply by Putin to attempt to transfer some his own stench to Biden and distance himself from Trump. If the Republicans lose control of the house then he really needs Trump to veto any allocation of money for Ukraine. Putin is as cunning as an outhouse rat. But back on topic. I had not read anything on here about how Trump can't raise the money from any NY registered banks. That would be all the major banks inj the world including Deutsche Bank. He needs to get the money from either a Russian oligarch or MBS in exchange for Mar a Lago as collateral since he doesn't have a mortgage on it Mar a Lago is valued by Trump at 4 times the most expensive private residence in the USA.
  16. He's not evil? Those weren't war crimes?
  17. Most news outlets ask Putin for an interview every single day without success. This claim by Carlson that he's the only one to stand up for the truth is pure propaganda.
  18. In a country where it's against the law to report honestly about the war, this is not journalism. It's propaganda. This is an application for VP. https://www.politico.eu/article/journalists-fume-tucker-carlson-vladmir-putin-interview-russia/
  19. You're parroting Trump, lol. Former President Trump declared after being indicted in New York that "THE USA IS NOW A THIRD WORLD NATION," a statement echoed by his sons and many of his supporters. The big picture: In reality, leaders who left office since 2000 have been jailed or prosecuted in at least 78 countries — including in democracies like France, Israel and South Korea. https://www.axios.com/2022/08/26/countries-where-former-leaders-jailed-charged
  20. The effect of his rhetoric may make some in the US want to distance themselves from Carlson. It may wake up a few recalcitrants who don't think they are traitors for supporting Russia.
  21. Wake me up after the interview and then we can discuss what he actually said, not the innuendo we see here.
  22. And knowing removed them to a location he knew was illegal.
  23. It goes to intent. Therein lies the difference. And his actions after discovering the documents.
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