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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Some claims are demonstrably true or false. I'm not aware of any evidence of mainstream fact checkers being found out to have lied. Fact checkers are generally supported by democratic processes. Far right wing conspiracy theorists are free to fact check anything they read as well. They just need to back it up with evidence, not just call something fake news. That's what credibility means.
  2. Is there a better qualified body in the US to do it? And it's anything but subjective. This selection went through a rigorous academic process. Dog whistling wasn't on the list of criteria, apparently.
  3. The American Political Science Association (APSA) is a professional association for political science students and scholars in the United States. Founded in 1903, it's the leading organization in its field, serving over 11,000 members globally. To answer your question: The American Political Science Association (APSA) is funded through a diverse mix of sources, including: Membership dues: Individual and institutional memberships provide a steady stream of income for the association. Grants and contracts: APSA receives funding from a variety of foundations, government agencies, and other organizations to support specific research projects and initiatives. Conference fees: The annual meeting and other conferences generate revenue through registration fees. Publications: APSA publishes several academic journals and other resources that generate revenue through subscriptions and sales. Endowment funds: The association has a number of endowed funds that provide ongoing support for its activities. Donations: Individuals and organizations can make donations to APSA to support its general operations or specific programs. Here's a breakdown of the approximate percentage of APSA's revenue from each source in 2021: Membership dues: 33% Grants and contracts: 25% Conference fees: 16% Publications: 14% Endowment funds: 8% Donations: 4% source: AI generated
  4. How could a president with 91 raps and the only president ever to have any not be the worst president ever.
  5. Here's another one who apparently wants to see Hamas wiped out if they don't surrender, regardless of the cost of civilian lives. An utterly reprehensible and disgusting comment. No doubt cheering on the bombing of Rafah.
  6. Propaganda lies. No human being imagines that ther eis that much aid just waiting to be collected and distributed without impediment. There will be other reasons, like lack of fuel or safety preventing distribution if this is even remotely true. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240219-israeli-protesters-block-aid-convoys-bound-for-gaza
  7. Exodus by Leon Uris is a very famous book.
  8. I estimate those trees would be 20 to 30 years old or more.
  9. The preponderance of tin foil hats in one geographic location of the planet reflects sunlight back up into the atmosphere where is evaporates clouds, thereby making the earth hotter. How did I do?
  10. I'll bet the same people who had a cow about Monica having semen on her dress and wondering why Hilary stayed with him are now giving trump a pass for his indiscretions.
  11. Most people would be well advised to disregard this out of hand.
  12. Less than in my country and I'll bet my last dollar less than in your country too.
  13. Do you wai to strangers as you begin to speak to them? It's a huge ice breaker.
  14. This brings me to another interesting aspect of Thai culture, the whole avoidance of getting in people's faces thing. In the Philippines every old broken down jeepney has a horn that works. Many drivers fit air horns to their cars. And they use them, all the time. There is never 10 seconds peace in any half busy street. In Thailand it is the opposite. You almost never hear horns unless a quick beep to let you know they are there, like when they come up behind you in soi 6. Thais avoid confrontation when not drunk or teenager.
  15. Some not so good news for Trump fans is the likely imminent arrival of Assange on US soil. Squealing as a quid quo pro to avoid spending the rest of his life in jail might be on the cards.
  16. Thais tend to ignore strangers unless they have a reason not to. They don't make eye contact at all with strangers in my experience unless talking to them directly. Like in a shop. If they have no business with them they pass by like ships in the night.
  17. Oh, look! We may soon know the truth about Russia Russia Russia from another source at the heart of the matter. Assange faces what could be his final court hearing in London starting Tuesday as he tries to stop his extradition to the U.S. The High Court has scheduled two days of arguments over whether Assange can ask an appeals court to block his transfer. If the court doesn’t allow the appeal to go forward, he could be sent across the Atlantic. https://apnews.com/article/julian-assange-wikileaks-extradition-appeal-espionage-f7caa4167bcff910287a6c5ba01e233f
  18. Unless you are willing to disavow that you believe it';s acceptable to wipe out Hamas regardless of the cost to civilian life until you disavow it. I assert that a reasoble interpretation of your post is that you do in fact believe that. Your answers since then have demonstrated a lack of candour.
  19. Today in Pattaya was noticeably clearer than recent weeks. We had some rain a couple of days ago which must have cleaned the air up somewhat and possibly put out some fires. Most mornings I wander down to Starbucks on beach road at the end of soi 6 and sit there for a coffee. I judge the air quality by how well I can see Koh Larn, if at all.
  20. That's what I took from it. How about you answer my question precisely and then we will know for sure? It's a simple yes or no but feel free to add further comments.
  21. If Biden is incapable but Trump is worse then Trump must be very bad.
  22. I didn't allege that you said it directly. The tone of the post I replied to implied that is what you meant so I wanted to ask you if you thought that was acceptable or not?
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