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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. What, exactly, did Biden do which caused unnecessary deaths? It is their choice, you are right. They made their choice following their personality politics and far more people in red states died than blue states. The Trump factor. You don't have to be antivax to vote for trump for all antivaxxers do.
  2. 08.53 GMT Unicef warns of increase in 'unbearable level of child deaths in Gaza' due to malnutrition UN agency Unicef has warned the Gaza Strip is poised to witness an increase in what an official said was “the already unbearable level of child deaths” due to a worsening food crisis. A report by the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC), an aid partnership led by the UN’s children’s agency, says more than 90% of children under five in Gaza eat two or fewer food groups a day, known as severe food poverty. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/feb/20/middle-east-crisis-live-israel-gaza-yemen-houthi-lebanon-hague-court-justice
  3. I'm not disputing that. The US is however the world's richest nation with the most advanced medicine. Trump has been credibly called out for contributing to deaths. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy
  4. Like many bestsellers, Exodus (a quarter-of-a-million copies sold to date; 30-odd weeks on the best-seller list; current sale 8,000 copies a week) https://www.commentary.org/articles/commentary-bk/exodus-by-leon-uris/
  5. He's broke, been supporting too many conspiracies.
  6. Millions. His perverted rejection of science and utter stupidity led to millions of unnecessary covid deaths. Another reason he is dead last.
  7. Prove that he did nothing? I did ask what you thought he actually did to stuff it up. Crickets.
  8. No one of the apologists for Israel has had the wherewithal to answer this simple question candidly and publicly.
  9. In the event that Hamas do not hand over the hostages do you support killing them all regardless of the cost of civilian life?
  10. Long live the 3%'ers. Decades later that one is showing its age.
  11. Interesting. I am not a doctor either but I believe most doacs are not K2 antagonists like coumadin (warfarin) is. I like a you tuber named Brad Stanfeld who has many videos where he assesses various supplements.
  12. He hasn't yet killed anyone. Stealing babies from their parents and taking steps to ensure they could never be reunited does come close to that definition as it was violence intended to bring about a political outcome.
  13. I've always been a fan of Realism. Facts must be fundamentally either true (real) or false for society to even operate in my view. I'm not talking about scientific theories like whether einstein was right or not but most facts are easily proven to be either true or false. #1 I just reject out of hand, sounds too much like religion to me. The solipsists are too caught up in their own importance. Teenagers are very likely to be solipsist and I was too until I realized I was destined to become ant food.
  14. People don't need to remember him, only to learn about him through history. I highly recommend it.
  15. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) wants to designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism after the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/18/lindsey-graham-navalny-russia-putin-00142068
  16. The US isn't about to enter a recession anytime soon. That's not because of anything Trump did. The rest of the planet, not so much.
  17. Demanding the total annihilation of ones enemy is a very "biblical" social attitude. Imagine if the Allies had demanded the total annihilation of the German military because of the holocaust. No matter how horrific the injury, the solution is not genocide.
  18. I have repeatedly condemned Hamas. Thanks for the acknowledgement. I think things would be far more productive and far more civil if we all agree to avoid the mud slinging. Only the most fervent supporter of either side would not accept that blame, and a lot of it, lies with both sides. It's my hope that people would be more willing to debate the actual issues. Looking for a compromise is the only solution and that's what the world wants. The religious nutcases on both sides might want to fight to the last enemy but that's not what the world thinks.
  19. I wondered about that but apparently there was little dispute about who ranked last. I think the open call to racism and fostering political polarization is what really sank him. Not to mention the baby snatching era.
  20. Trump wouldn't know how to kiss a baby. I've never read that he's done so. He wouldn't be capable of the empathy required to achieve even that level of humanity. That MAGA cultists can accuse a president of fondling children inappropriately while in public is risible to say the least.
  21. You accused me directly of being a Hamas supporter. Regardless of what you personally consider are my true feelings, you are required by decency and the rules to not accuse me of being a terrorist supporter. Furthermore, you are wrong. Consider this:. I'm, a wasp oz born citizen who grew up on a small town in the north of Australia and the only muslim I know is a muslim because he had to become one to marry an Indonesian girl and maintain a house on lombok. How on god's earth I'm supposed to be a terrorist supporter of a middle eastern group I don't know, I've never been west of Nepal. You are simply projecting in the most insulting manner you can manage because you don't like what I say. Cut it out now.
  22. My reasoning is that Hamas will not surrender and will kill every hostage before the last Hamas member dies. Regardless of how horrific Hamas is the issue facing Israel is whether they are prepared to kill as many civilians as they need to in order to defeat Hamas, if that can even be done. I do not support Hamas despite your filthy accusations but I do object to genocide.
  23. Indeed he is. He's very much swimming against the tide of world opinion on the war in Gaza and alienating many young voter who traditionally vote Dem but won't touch this party with it's current stance.
  24. My opinion is that they should be done as soon as polling indicates that a majority of people want one.
  25. Biden did absolutely nothing other than keep to Trump's deadline and allow the military to do the best they could with a bad hand. What actions did Biden take to change the course of events? Don't come back and tell me about things he didn't do, tell me what he did that screwed up the withdrawal. The US should never have withdrawn as they'd now have forces based to the East of Iran had they not done so. Trump instigated this withdrawal to appease Putin.
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