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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Revealed: Ginni Thomas urged legislators in Arizona and Wisconsin to overturn Biden's election win The wife of U.S. Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas emailed 29 Arizona state lawmakers, some of them twice, for weeks after Donald Trump's election loss, asking them to set aside Biden's popular vote win and select their own electors, and new emails show that she also sent messages to Wisconsin state Sen. Kathy Bernier and state Rep. Gary Tauchen asking them to do the same, reported the Washington Post. “Please stand strong in the face of media and political pressure,” Thomas said in emails sent Nov. 9, two days after major media organizations called the election for Biden. “Please reflect on the awesome authority granted to you by our Constitution. https://www.rawstory.com/ginny-thomas-wisconsin/
  2. Existing research tells us that international migration is good for the NHS. The NHS needs more staff from overseas, not less. Staffing shortages in the NHS currently stand at around 100,000 – and could grow to 250,000 or more by 2030. Even with other policy action and investment, we estimate that the NHS will need to recruit an additional 5,000 international nurses a year until 2023/24 just to stay afloat. https://www.health.org.uk/news-and-comment/blogs/immigration-and-the-nhs-the-evidence
  3. More than half of respondents in a new poll said they think the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s search of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home was appropriate. In the Wall Street Journal poll released on Thursday, 52 percent agreed with the statement that the search was “part of a legal and proper investigation” to determine if Trump wrongfully held classified documents at his Florida residence. Another 41 percent said they viewed the FBI search as part of an “endless witch hunt” against the former president, according to the poll. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3623865-most-in-new-poll-say-fbi-search-of-trump-home-was-appropriate/
  4. It's possible a case can be made that Trump doesn't understand the allegations against him.
  5. Nationalism is likewise racist. There is a close relationship between nationalism and racism. They can’t really be separated out and allocated to different disciplines of research. Colonialism occupied a central place in the national identity narrative of the imperial powers, a point that many nationalism scholars tended to pass over, with the notable exception of Eric Hobsbawm (Reference Hobsbawm1983). With a rise in immigration from the former colonies in the 1960s, racism and the question of colonial legacies became a more prominent feature of domestic politics in many European countries. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nationalities-papers/article/racism-and-nationalism/B41832A63712E513B3B5F3C09B8DEEF5
  6. No, Trump didn’t declassify everything; it’s barred by the Nixon tapes decision The Justice Department’s remarkable filing last night makes it more likely that attorney general Merrick Garland will have to prosecute former president Donald Trump for criminally mishandling national defense information and for conspiring to obstruct the federal investigation. The second branch of the strategy is another stratagem that Trump has used successfully in the past, misstating the governing law, personally and through surrogates. This approach helped him avoid prosecution related to Robert Mueller’s Russian-influence investigation, when Attorney General William Barr relied on a misstatement of the law to exonerate his boss. https://thehill.com/opinion/3622679-no-trump-didnt-declassify-everything-its-barred-by-the-nixon-tapes-decision/
  7. If you admire a racist you must be a racist. There's no question that Powell was an avowed racist.
  8. It won't make any difference. They are so consumed by hate that they can't contemplate anything which challenges their racism.
  9. You'd need to explain how patriotism aligns with being against "mass" immigration to convince anyone of that. Xenophobia IS racism.
  10. No, for the same reasons as you advise people should see it.
  11. Curiously, Powell, like Trump, was also pro-Russia. Maybe, then, the ultimate lesson of the Powell-Trump comparison is that a presidential system of government, like that in the US, is not superior in terms of the checks it imposes on political extremists. On the contrary, the opposite may be true. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/12/donald-trump-enoch-powell-rivers-of-blood
  12. The problem with the vocal minority is that they believe they are the silent majority. Most people think he was just a racist.
  13. Not if they're accusing her of making a false statement. Ultimately a jury will determine which one is telling the truth if Trump denies he knew.
  14. No, the subject turned to second generation immigrants. Enoch Powell railed against their parents. You just don't like the inclusive message.
  15. No reason at all to be racist. Blind Freddy could see those people were going to raise British born kids. Just like where I come from, the largest population of the town (state capital) was Chinese until WW2. Forty years ago the town mayor was one of those Chinese. The Chinese were the richest demographic in town. After the war the town as flooded by Greek and Italian migrants. The locals disdained them and called them w*gs. Now the town mayor is one of those Greeks as is the state administrator (governor). The Greeks are the richest demographic in town. The town's largest social event of the year is the Glenti festival. One of the Italian kids born in the town became the CEO of Dow Chemical. The second richest demographic is still the Chinese. The new money is the Vietnamese community.
  16. If he did, his lawyer would be charged with making a false statement to the FBI and Trump would be a subject witness under oath, meaning he could be charged with perjury depending on his testimony.
  17. No, his lawyer was legally required to inform him of her declaration.
  18. There's been a case or two where family, friends or workmates have given them up as well. As Confucius say, "man who walk around park without shoes will always put his foot in it".
  19. I believe that's mainly about worker's compensation and insurance. For example, the "bottler" will have had specific training in how to pick up heavy things but probably not a QA officer. If you did your back in and the company hadn't given you this training they would have potentially a huge payout, fine and conviction. You were permitted to carry a part case because that was judged to be under a specified weight limit. As convoluted and unproductive as it may have seemed it is the only way a large company can operate. They must have an OH&S plan for every job. The union would be a signatory to those rules.
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