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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Because Joe really is President, he doesn't just think he is.
  2. and ignore this? They can walk and chew gum at the same time. There's a long record of foreigners trashing Thai reefs and disregarding the laws in nature parks.
  3. What if Trump really does still think he is president? It's about time the shrinks came out and gave an honest assessment of his state of mind and fitness to serve, apart from just legal issues.
  4. Because when it actually does go to court Trump will oppose it. This is just bluster.
  5. This is what happens when an ex president accuses the FBI of planting evidence. An armed man decked out in body armor tried to breach a security screening area at an FBI field office Thursday, then fled and was injured in an exchange of gunfire in an hourslong standoff with law enforcement that persisted into late afternoon, authorities said. The confrontation that began at the FBI’s Cincinnati office came as officials warned of an increase in threats against federal agents in the days following a search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. https://apnews.com/article/fbi-cincinnati-armed-man-b4701596a0eb9770e3b29e95328f5704
  6. FBI's Trump Informants Are Traitors, Marjorie Taylor Greene Says https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-fbi-informants-traitors-trump-1732792
  7. Eric might not be all that bright but he wouldn't lie against his own interests. If Eric admits they have some documents then we should believe he's not just trolling the FBI. He said negotiations between daddy's lawyer and the FBI were ongoing. Should the FBI release that evidence before a trial? I do agree that I'd also like to this this resolved asap, regardless of the outcome. I just don't think we're going to see that due to normal legal process.
  8. We're talking about people who are accusing the FBI of corruption and planting evidence.
  9. Lets look at the facts that are not in dispute. 1. We know Trump still has documents he holds illegally and removed illegally after 18 months of leaving office. Eric admitted it. 2. We know that negotiations to get them back have failed. Eric claimed they were ongoing. What was the FBI going to do? Nothing, because it's political? Keep writing nice letters that start with please? Send a subpoena for Trump to ignore or appeal? No matter what the outcome of any such appeal, there is only one lawful location those documents can be and they aren't in it. It's possible that there is a national security aspect to this as well as the requirements for such a raid require that the evidence they use be fresh. I fail to see how these actions can be at all divisive. Reasonable people should have an open mind and wait for the outcome. People looking for the next conspiracy are losing their heads.
  10. A mob with pitchforks doesn't get to dictate when and what evidence the FBI needs to release.
  11. When was the last time the cops released their evidence prior to an indictment?
  12. Trump world gripped with anger, fear and a host of conspiracies about the FBI search A wave of concern and even paranoia is gripping parts of Trump world as federal investigators tighten their grip on the former president and his inner circle. In the wake of news that the FBI agents executed a court-authorized search warrant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, Trump’s allies and aides have begun buzzing about a host of potential explanations and worries. Among those being bandied about is that the search was a pretext to fish for other incriminating evidence, that the FBI doctored evidence to support its search warrant — and then planted some incriminating materials and recording devices at Mar-a-Lago for good measure — and even that the timing of the search was meant to be a historical echo of the day President Richard Nixon resigned in 1974. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/11/trump-evidence-fbi-search-00050990
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but they weren't people, they were fraudent political organisations masquerading as tax deductible charitable organizations
  14. You forgot to mention "2nd amendment patriots".
  15. To be fair, more Americans got that in 2020 than didn't. They do have a habit of electing movie stars as presidents and governors, etc. Australia elects lawyers. That's down to a preferential voting system or lack thereof. We also have no concept of impeachment. Anybody can be charged at any time. There's now an extreme discord between the political parties and faith in their institutions, not including the church. The party of law and order have now become outlaws. The number of Trumps associates who have been indicted is beyond the pale. I sincerely hope that Trump doesn't escape conviction by virtue of politics alone or that if he is convicted then he isn't later pardoned by another far right president.
  16. Again, where's your link? I don't doubt that they did to be honest but I want to see who published it. I can see that as being standard operating procedure for the FBI. Everybody knows the reason Trump claimed it was to create the basis for a new lie and to fire up the base. An honest man would have shut up except to his lawyer. The FBI know this was a high profile raid, you'd have to be in a state of delusion, brought about by a belief that Biden isn't the legitimate president to think they'd just go ahead and fabricate or plant evidence. It's just not rational. This is just super agenda pursuing stuff.
  17. Yes, it's like being acquitted of murder by your own brother as the judge. Why are you being so tendentious about this? You know that it's irrelevant to this matter and that impeachments are 100% political in terms of judgement.
  18. You don't provide a link for this claim but if you had attempted to do so you may have discovered that your claim is wrong Lindsey Halligan, another Trump attorney, also confirmed to POLITICO she was present at Mar-a-Lago for the search. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/09/fbi-dozen-boxes-mar-a-lago-trump-lawyer-00050730
  19. That's quite likely why negotiations have fruitlessly been ongoing for months now. Trump wanted to run out the clock before the elections.
  20. Get a grip, please. There is no impediment to any member replying to any post on this board.
  21. They are extremely unlikely to reveal that evidence before any trial. If they don't have any I would expect an announcement soonish.
  22. No, impeachment does not need to be a crime, isn't a court of law and is entirely political. It was decided on partisan, not judicial, grounds.
  23. Actually, it's conceivable that the FBI would never have raided him if it was just a misdemeanour instead of a felony offence. They likely would have confined themselves to a subpoena.
  24. Yes, I quoted what far right sources said., That was to demonstrate the utter wackiness of Trump's base. There is absolutely no issue with quoting the person who said that. The issue arises when someone posts a LINK to an unacceptable source. I posted a link to an approved source. Just a heads up, I report every link to an unapproved source that I see.
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