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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Former President Donald Trump may lose the "crown jewels" of the heir's corporate empire if New York Attorney General Letitia James moves to invoke New York's "corporate death penalty" against the Trump Organization, according to a new report. "This is a civil case — so the court can draw an inference of liability. This is exactly what the AG was hoping to achieve. The case is now even stronger," he wrote. "In a civil case, pleading the Fifth is effectively a confession," Snell claimed. https://www.rawstory.com/crown-jewels-ny-ag-may-seek-corporate-death-penalty-for-trump-tower-and-all-his-golf-courses/
  2. FBI agents have seized the cell phone belonging to Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) less than 24 hours after searching Donald Trump's home in Florida, and the highly unusual move signals he's a new target in the Jan. 6 probe. The Pennsylvania Republican is hardly a household name, but he has figured prominently in testimony in public hearings of the Jan. 6 committee, where witnesses have testified that Perry played a central role in the former president's attempt to remain in power and sought a pardon for his efforts, wrote MSNBC columnist Steve Benen. https://www.rawstory.com/scott-perry-jan-6-2657842034/
  3. An Informer Told the FBI What Docs Trump Was Hiding, and Where https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-informer-told-fbi-what-docs-trump-was-hiding-where-1732283
  4. Well they either subscribe to the big lie or they get primaried.
  5. Furthermore, they're unlikely to prevent him from running again.
  6. I would have happily responded but you broke the rules of the forum in order to troll me as you just confessed to doing.
  7. Is this about Trump? You're not engaging in off topic whataboutery are you?
  8. That's right. That's when Trump was against it before he was for it. ????
  9. That was back in February. If it was true then why did young Eric tell the press they were still in negotiations at the current time. It doesn't take months to hand over requested records which he was legally compelled to do.
  10. Donald Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment and wouldn’t answer questions under oath in the New York attorney general’s long-running civil investigation into his business dealings, the former president said in a statement Wednesday. “I once asked, ‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?’ Now I know the answer to that question,” the statement said. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ny-investigation-testimony-a4e6264d44b194d24dfb916ffc7f51ca
  11. No, as I said he isn't that unsophisticated or uniformed. He has direct access to the FBI itself, he's on the intelligence committee. We all know his opinion and so you repeated it for what reason? Echoing his words lets you off the hook for having to justify your claim. Start engaging in meaningful debate that's more ingenuous. It's like saying. Q said the democrats.. blah blah... pizzagate. Amplifying clearly disingenuous positions without taking any responsibility for your post.
  12. Where did he say "If"? Link please. Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have "planted" evidence against him during a search at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Monday. In an angry rant planted on Truth Social, Trump cast aspersions at the FBI for executing a search warrant on his property. https://www.rawstory.com/fbi-trump/
  13. You're amplifying what McCarthy said which is tantamount to stating that as your own opinion. Otherwise what point were you making? We all know that McCarthy said it was political. Nowhere has he said he was just wanting to make sure the rules were followed (missing link form you) and he has said he will seek revenge if the GOP take the house in November.
  14. I gave him credit for not being a complete imbecile just now. There is no way that anyone with any connections to the intelligence community as he has thinks this is political. This is about raising money and firing up the base, nothing to do with the truth.
  15. McCarthy knows very well the raid was nothing to do with politics. He's not that feckless. The whole notion that the raid was politically motivated is just a continuance of the big lie, that the election was stolen.
  16. When House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield threatened Attorney General Merrick Garland on Twitter Monday night for deploying FBI agents to search the Florida resort of former President Donald Trump, it was a political declaration of war. McCarthy once swore an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, but that oath clearly means little to him as he unilaterally disregards the work of a sitting attorney general before Garland even has a chance to make his case against Trump. The California Republican cares only about his soiled Republican Party and his ability to hold on to power, which McCarthy said he would abuse if his party gained control of the House in November and McCarthy then became House Speaker. https://nordot.app/930011051085512704?c=592622757532812385
  17. He's probably an angry drunk, LOL. sorry about that...
  18. Yes, the last election was a referendum on Trump. Biden did not win the election, Trump lost. The next election will be the same. Republicans are dearly wishing that it will be run on the economy but there'd need to be a big downturn from here to make that so. Core inflation is falling today, stocks up again. I expect by 2024 Biden will have won the war, unless the US is involved in the fighting by then, in which case it will produce a victory for Biden as it did for GW Bush.
  19. They are not different. People vary individually but they are people. Chinese are not "inscrutable", get the point?
  20. I think they would anyway. Unlike Ukraine, these countries have not recently been under Russian control, don't speak Russian, etc. A Russian invasion of either country would be intolerable for the west. Their invasion of Ukraine is also intolerable but the risk of a nuclear war prevents NATO involvement. That risk would not be a deterrent in the case of Sweden or Finland. There is no way they would allow Russia to invade those countries, regardless of any defense partnerships. I think that should be pretty obvious.
  21. If I were to pick one, Thai would be the choice based on food alone. Other than that, they are the same. The notion that one could be better than the other is based on stereotyping. disclaimer: I have been married to both a Thai and a Filipina and speak both languages somewhat.
  22. Previously they were cold on the idea because NATO was in decline due to neglect and adverse criticism from the Trump administration. That changed. I'm not denying that the Russian attack was the catalyst but you want to break everything down into simplistic reasoning. Neither country needed to be in NATO to defend against Russia. If the war got that far, the EU would have been involved, with or without NATO.
  23. “Unlike Trump, who explicitly politicized the DOJ, and every Republican who cheered him on as they now cry crocodile tears, Biden is doing the right thing by letting the DOJ and FBI — whose director is a lifelong Republican appointed by Trump — do their job without notice to or direction from the White House,” said Democratic strategist Eddie Vale. ------------------ “Get out of the way and stay out of the way and let him implode,” the strategist said. “He was bound to implode sooner or later. All the better now while Biden is gaining wins.” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3594888-biden-in-a-tough-spot-on-trump-after-fbi-mar-a-lago-search/
  24. “This, I’m hoping, goes beyond simply not complying with some archiving laws, or DOJ [the Department of Justice] just handed Donald Trump the Republican nominee and potentially the presidency,” Alyssa Farah Griffin, the former official, said on CNN. “If it’s seen as some sort of massive overreach and not something incredibly serious, this is a very good day for Donald Trump,” she added. It was far too early on Tuesday to know for sure how much the FBI raid signaled legal jeopardy for Trump, or just how the political reverberations would be felt in the November midterm elections and beyond. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3595050-fbi-thunderbolt-scrambles-political-predictions-on-trump/
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