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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The 10 year old intel CPU is probably a low power unit. The K series uses a lot more power and gets hot. 3rd party manufacturers make CPU coolers for a reason and Intel CPU's are not generally used for that reason. There are some fine coolers out there. Find one which will match the CPU's power requirements. Even if you are not overclocking the CPU it still uses more power than the other models. I don't understand your obsession with wanting to buy a genuine Intel CPU cooler. There's no basis whatsoever for thinking they are more efficient, quieter or more reliable. Most high end computers don't use genuine Intel CPU coolers.
  2. He sure cleaned that photo up a bit. It still looks ridiculous.
  3. dead simple. One man one vote. Everybody must vote by law. And if I have another wish it would be that votes would be ranked choice aka preferential voting. If I have a third wish it would be enshrining the separation of church and state in international law. If none of this seems relevant to the Palestinian question, think again.
  4. Which is why I was skeptical when I saw the claim about them building a centrifuge factory during the period of IAEA inspections. I knew they were the central issue. I don't doubt they were designing and planning at the very least to produce the equipment. I alluded to that when I said the US is constantly testing nuclear weapons on computers.
  5. The MAGA (and their sympathizers) calculus is that these aren't really crimes. They are in furtherance of their ideology of ending democracy and replacing it with a fascist dictator since the democracy experiment doesn't really work for them anymore. It is therefore incongruent that there's a morality aspect involved, in particular when you consider that their entire (MAGA) cult is based on racism and a return to the days when whites were whites and black were blacks. It's even more evident when you consider that a large plank of their base is the christian nationalist movement having the SBC at its core, a church founded out of a dispute over slavery and strong links to the KKK. https://www.christianitytoday.com/pastors/2005/spring/my-churchs-ku-klux-klan-connections.html
  6. Fair enough, it's certainly moot now. I wonder if Israel will decide to do another bombing run soon?
  7. I didn't make a claim. I cast doubt on a claim. Can you spot the difference? If it was all over the news then you should have no trouble coughing up a credible link. I won't hold my breath.
  8. It would have been all over the news if significant non compliance was found. Building centrifuges was their single main concern. They have enough enriched uranium. I didn't claim that the factories were being built during the agreement so it's not incumbent on me to prove they weren't. Or that the IAEA didn't carry out inspections properly. I can't prove something didn't happen. I believe the factories are likely to have been built since the agreement was terminated and I want a link to the contrary since it's not my claim.
  9. Interesting. I've never heard this bird. It says in your link that it is endemic to northern Australia as well. It looks like a cane toad with wings.
  10. Was it though? I would imagine they used some existing facility and installed the equipment. I don't know but I would think Iran would put a very high priority on it. I just think it's not a foregone conclusion that the factory was under construction during the agreement period. In fact, I recall the IAEA (?) reporting that Iran was in compliance through the agreement. I want a link.
  11. 30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046
  12. And the interest on those deficits has mounted. Huge tax cuts in the face of rising interest rates was never going to be a good idea.
  13. I prefer not to pick a side. Back in 1969 I would have picked Vietnam to win against my own country. I'm quite serious.
  14. Developing the capability (knowledge) is distinct from producing nuclear weapons. The US is constantly researching and simulation testing new nuclear weapons.
  15. I think extremists use religion as a moral justification to fight over resources. No reasonable person will admit to just being greedy and unfair. I reject any notion of God so I find it abhorrent that people would invoke religion as justification to fight over land. It is, by definition, genocide, no matter which side invokes it.
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