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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You claimed it was widely reported when Trump had the vax. I have also posted links to prove that's false. Now you need to step up to the plate.
  2. Clearly a 2 state solution must include the right of return of the refugees in Lebanon. After all, the right of return was why Jews wanted a homeland in Israel. It seems churlish that they should reject a Palestinian right of return now.
  3. October 1998, five years after the Oslo Accords were signed and final status negotiations were supposed to take place, Netanyahu and Arafat concluded the Wye River Memorandum. Under this agreement, Israel was to continue a partial withdrawal from the West Bank while the PA was to implement a crackdown on Palestinian violence. The agreement was suspended the following month, however, after opposition in Netanyahu’s coalition threatened a vote of no confidence in the Knesset, Israel’s legislative body https://www.britannica.com/topic/two-state-solution
  4. Maybe that might not happen if their adversary were not armed to the teeth by the US?
  5. I hope Swift gets more fans. There's no such thing as bad publicity. It's MAGA who are caught in the crosshairs, not Swift. This won't end well for MAGA.
  6. Not one of the usual suspects agrees that Palestinians should have their own country. Not one. Zionists one and all.
  7. Any admissions of a history before October 7th is to release the kraken - the matter of a Palestinian state or lack thereof - and the steps taken to prevent a Palestinian state - and the the refugees - and the settlements.
  8. What major legal event occurred a week or so before the election that might have had a major effect on the election results?
  9. I think the insurrection case is the most important. The 14th amendment case is just another Trump delaying tactic and prevents progress on the insurrection case.
  10. The rules of the game have already been settled. Iran does not want a war and neither does Israel. Iran apparently did not have strong operational control over the militia. Iran supports a long term objective of wanting Israel and the US out of the ME but it doesn't wants a showdown now. The US has deliberately not attacked Iran directly for this reason. Their response aims to have a strong deterrent as well and a strong message back home. The far right just want to send the bombers into Iran now. They talk a big talk about not wanting to get involved with Russia but when it comes to Iran they are gung ho.
  11. I like the British proposal. It would be somewhat ironic if Israel was forced to take it.
  12. Fairly high because it looks like none of the important cases will he heard before the election. It appears that there is a holdout judge in the 14th amendment case who has decided to take months to write his dissent, forcing the court to wait.
  13. Especially rich considering the historic degree of nepotism which occurred in the white house under the previous guy.
  14. So your proposal is total anhilation or a complete Hamas surrender without conditions? How hard would it be for Israel to sign up to a peace deal knowing that international forces would enforce it. Forces that would have the complete cooperation of ALL Palestinians? The simple answer is that the Israels government want neither peace nor a 2 state solution. What's happening now is just fine for them. The one month ICJ report come come soon enough.
  15. Imagining that Hamas would release the last hostages until there is a permanent deal in place is unimaginably ignorant.
  16. It does not advocate those things but it does advocate genocide. It is a charter of genocide. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party
  17. Yes. Political movements who hide behind religion are despicable. But at the risk of being accused of having a balanced view, have you seen the original Likud charter? You know, the Likud who's main man for many years is now PM? I have previously posted it.
  18. Trump never used his popularity as a reality TV celeb to become president. Right? This is the tired old canard we saw when the football player took a knee. That celebs should stay out of politics. And yet here we are celebrating the likes of kick rock for being political. You can't make this stuff up.
  19. I ma not OK with that and I have condemned Hamas on numerous occasions. Two wrongs don't make a right. Unlike you, I see war crimes on both sides.
  20. It has become evident that there are plenty of extremist zionists on this board who support the genocide of Palestinians. Now being presented with credible evidence of genocidal intent by their leaders they are opening coming out supporting that genocide.
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