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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. More than 200 in one of the most densely populated areas of the world. A war crime intended to bring about a genocide. The displacement of almost all of the civilian population of Gaza and destruction of 85% of the infrastructure.
  2. Taylor Swift has it all, money, popularity, influence, charisma, a liberal world view and a willingness to take the fight all the way. "You'll look directly at the sun but you won't look in the mirror". Says it all, really
  3. I hope she's guilty of running for president in 2028. These conspiracy theories have just qualified her bigly.
  4. Not always successful? The downside is soil destroyed forever. Your suggestion that the IDF did proper soil sampling is preposterous. Who on this planet imagines that a negative result would have prevented them from doing it?
  5. Highly recommended viewing for both sides of the political spectrum
  6. I see Taylor Swift is causing deep pessimism among the right wing.
  7. My hobby is listening to Taylor Swift. She's not just cheap pop music, her songs include highly relevant social and political comment. This is why the far right hate her.
  8. Don't worry, I get it. Taylor Swift may single handedly turn the vote for the Dems and right wing heads are exploding.
  9. You wish, LOL More Than Half Of U.S. Adults Say They’re Taylor Swift Fans, Survey Finds https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisadellatto/2023/03/14/more-than-half-of-us-adults-say-theyre-taylor-swift-fans-survey-finds/?sh=67e2bf536877 According to a 2023 survey by Morning Consult, in the U.S., 53% of adults said they were fans of Swift, of whom 44% identified as Swifties and 16% as her "avid" fans. Of the fans, 52% were women while 48% were men. Racially, the 74% of the fans were white, 13% were Black, 9% were Asian, and 4% from other races. Politically, 55% of the fans were Democratic, 23% were Republican, and 23% were independent. In terms of generations, 45% are millennials, 23% are baby boomers, 21% are Generation X, and 11% are Generation Z.[136] Journalists have also noted an increase in Swift's boomer and Generation X fans, known as "senior Swifties".[84][137] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swifties
  10. Two of Donald Trump’s political action committees spent an astonishing $29 million in legal consulting and legal fees in the second half of last year, leaving only $5 million in his leadership PAC’s coffers. The expenditures provide a stark illustration of how Trump’s courtroom issues have not just defined his campaign but begun to overwhelm it. In total, the former president spent roughly $50 million in donor funds on legal expenses over the course of 2023. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/31/trump-donor-legal-fees-fec-00138965
  11. I've only heard of 3 of these people. https://www.musicinminnesota.com/musicians-who-are-trump-supporters/
  12. Hard to choose what's more tragic," Brownworth said. "That these sad little men think Swift is untalented or that they can't find anyone but Kid Rock to elevate as their symbol of talent.'" JBug agreed, writing: "Powerful women scare weak men. Poor baby." https://www.newsweek.com/kid-rock-tweet-taylor-swift-resurfaces-1830171
  13. You don't have to be an incel to vote for Trump but all incels do vote for Trump. Taylor Swift is the ultimate target for incels. It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of … Women are doing great. (Donald Trump, 2 October 2018, on the #MeToo movement) https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/978-1-83982-254-420211008/full/pdf?title=legitimising-misogyny
  14. The Zionists have always worked to prevent any Palestinian state and largely have themselves to blame for this war. They are extremist, nationalist fascists. Nothing more. Oh , and religious zealots.
  15. Fruit cake, anyone? Myriad baseless rumors emerged on social media — everything from claims that Swift has played a part in Pentagon psychological operations to the idea that she and her two-time Super Bowl champion boyfriend are key assets in a secret plot to help President Joe Biden get reelected in 2024. Another variant: That the Chiefs’ success was rigged as part of the plan for the game on Feb. 11 in Las Vegas. Political and media figures on the right, including former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, political activist Laura Loomer and One America News Network host Alison Steinberg, have amplified the allegations. https://apnews.com/article/super-bowl-taylor-swift-travis-kelce-conspiracy-theories-838ce3087c795cb45468d08ebbb27059
  16. Why would anyone take political advice from a reality TV personality? A question Ive never found an answer for.
  17. 'Need the chaos': Trump and Kari Lake buried in editorial for wanting U.S. to 'lose big' This comes as President Joe Biden and Senate Republicans have struck up a bipartisan plan that would tighten border security and implement several GOP policy goals — but it appears headed for a dead end as Trump heavily lobbies House and Senate Republicans to kill the deal and Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said he's unlikely to allow it a vote. "A bipartisan deal to address the border problem is the best thing for the country," wrote Montini. "But it is the worst thing for Donald Trump, who has made the border crisis the key element — if not the only element — of his campaign. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-border-2667133918/
  18. Well that would be good for Trump. The TV evangelists are in the tank for Trump so I wouldn't bother looking there. I don't know why he doesn't just play worship piano at his rallies, he won't find a young rock star. Here's a non exhaustive list of musicians who oppose Trump. Presumably Taylor Swift should be on this list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musicians_who_oppose_Donald_Trump's_use_of_their_music
  19. Amazingly, in the middle of a war they still achieved some accountability. Kudos to Ukraine for rooting out corruption. Who's gonna do that in Russia, comrade?
  20. They aren't billionaires with huge popularity among young people. Don't anybody try to tell me kid rock is popular among gen Z/
  21. Yeah, nothing. A right wing think tank is trying to convince the Georgia judge to throw out $100 million of machines because they think the machines are vulnerable. The judge previous ruled against earlier machines. The state is arguing that the new machines are far more secure and have a paper audit trail. Absolutely nothing has been proved to indicate that the machines are vulnerable to hacking.
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