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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Lawyers for Russian businessmen say some are attempting to move assets to the United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is a part. Specialist aviation sites have identified jets belonging to Russian tycoons, including that of Abramovich, coming to the city, though it is not known who was actually on board. The U.K. and European Union have placed sanctions on Abramovich, but there are none imposed by the UAE. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-03-25/roman-abramovich-eyes-sanction-free-dubai-property-as-russians-flock-to-uae?sref=3OTf8B4q
  2. Australia would freak out. I guess that's the old "Asians don't value life as much" chestnut.
  3. It must suck to have no empathy. That just leaves narcissism I guess. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Empathy is not a quality many Republican senators want to see in the next Supreme Court justice. Traditionally considered an admirable attribute, the ability to empathize with another’s plight has become a touchstone for GOP opposition to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. It’s not the first time the concept of empathy has been wielded as a disqualifying weapon against a nominee for the high court. https://apnews.com/article/biden-us-supreme-court-race-and-ethnicity-congress-651d3cb661368e419dd673579e7feaf9
  4. Moscow signalled on Friday it was scaling back its ambitions in Ukraine to focus on territory claimed by Russian-backed separatists as Ukrainian forces went on the offensive, recapturing towns on the outskirts of the capital Kyiv. In an announcement that appeared to indicate more limited goals, the Russian Defence Ministry said a first phase of its operation was complete and it would now focus on two eastern regions claimed by Russian-backed separatists. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ukraine-urges-halt-russias-assault-biden-heads-poland-2022-03-25/
  5. Biden declared he would nominate a black woman. That is is quite simply not the logical equivalent of saying he would not nominate a man or a white person. That is a logical fallacy. This kind of false equivalence is the stock in trade of those who don't have a cogent argument.
  6. Show where Biden said either of those things. He said he would nominate a black woman as is his right to do so. By your logic, he stated that he would not nominate a left handed dwarf with 6 toes. It's a non sequiter and false equivalency.
  7. Claims that Biden blocked "the first black woman to be nominated by G Bush because she was a black women are outright misrepresentations of the facts. Such claims can only be found in unreliable far right publications. columnist Marc A. Thiessen once again leaves out several pertinent facts in order to make a completely specious argument. He conveniently ignores the fact, according to Wikipedia, that the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed Janice Rogers Brown’s nomination “based on her record on the California Supreme Court where she exhibited ‘a strong, persistent, and disturbing hostility toward affirmative action, civil rights, the rights of individuals with disabilities, workers’ rights, and the fairness of the criminal justice system.’” https://www.cleveland.com/letters/2022/02/thiessen-leaves-out-why-biden-opposed-janice-rogers-browns-appellate-nomination.html
  8. You've twisted her words. I understand this is an oft seen tactic of the right. She was asked to provide a definition, not what she thought a woman was. It was an idiotic, baiting question anyway, designed to throw red meat to the q-anon crowd in support of her apparent run for the presidency.
  9. I wonder if it was any of these ships? https://www.reuters.com/world/japan-spots-four-russian-amphibious-transports-sailing-far-east-2022-03-17/
  10. A couple of days ago I wrestled with the idea of posting that article. Regardless of one's political inclinations I think it would be instructive to read this.
  11. what part of "extraordinary qualifications" don't you understand? It's still self evident that others would have been suggested and he would have considered them. Biden isn't stupid, he has decades of senate experience. Unlike the previous one termer, he never said he would exclude anyone. Nothing that Biden has done contravenes any law.
  12. Ukraine says more than 400,000 of its citizens have been forcibly taken to Russia. Ukrainian Ombudsman Lyudmyla Denisova said at a briefing Thursday that the Ukrainians were taken to by Russian troops from Mariupol and other besieged Ukrainian cities. The number includes 84,000 children. She says they are held in primitive conditions with little food and water. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-boris-johnson-business-europe-nato-f36514497d3bbdbd2cb5dbc0b7f76cc4
  13. British intelligence has said that there is "a realistic possibility" that Russian forces will be encircled by Ukraine's army close to the capital Kyiv in the northwestern cities of Bucha and Irpin. https://www.newsweek.com/russian-army-encircled-ukraine-forces-kyiv-1691332
  14. Russian experience in the 1990s in Grozny, Chechnya, and Homs and Aleppo in the mid-2010s in Syria, suggests that sequential urban sieges are a brutal but effective way to take cities. However, they also ensure the lasting hatred of the population and make long-term political success unlikely in conquered areas unless the population is completely driven out or killed. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/24/analysis-russia-falls-back-on-urban-siege-warfare-in-ukraine
  15. I was complaining about your projecting. If you aren't against her candidacy and suitability then I'm at a loss to understand why your are complaining about Biden not picking the best candidate. You have put up noting to suggest that she isn't. Show me any falsehood in my posts.
  16. Show where he did. He clearly and self evidently announced he would pick a black woman AFTER reviewing all suggested candidates.
  17. Nobody was excluded. Biden obviously and self evidently considered everyone put to him and decided to pick a black woman from the suggested qualified candidates. Again, where is your evidence that she was unqualified. Where is your condemnation of Trump for explicitly excluding any woman from his first SC nomination?
  18. You mean exactly like Trump did? Do you have any reason other than racial animus or political preference to suggest Jackson is unqualified or not the best person?
  19. Literally thousands of people could equally fill that position. Most of them have come from a tiny pool of wingnuts nominated by a well funded special interest group dedicated to destroying secular government.
  20. I'm not disputing that. This is the same whataboutery arguments against doing anything about any problems. Look over there at that problem is never and excuse to do nothing.
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