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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Russia's false accusations that Kyiv has biological and chemical weapons illustrate that Russian President Vladimir Putin is considering using them himself in his war against Ukraine, U.S. President Joe Biden said on Monday, without citing evidence. "They are also suggesting that Ukraine has biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine. That's a clear sign he's considering using both of those." https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-says-putin-is-weighing-use-chemical-weapons-ukraine-2022-03-21/
  2. from that article: “There can't be any ‘de-Nazification’ in the agreement. When a country that is treading in the footsteps of the Nazis is accusing us of being Nazis, we can’t accept that.”
  3. The takeaway from this is that there won't be any compromises. If the EU determine that genocide is occurring this week it's possible that NATO will act to insert a peacekeeping force, in my opinion.
  4. The Russian military says it will continue using its state-of-the-art hypersonic missile to hit particularly important targets in Ukraine. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Monday that the Kinzhal hypersonic missile “has proven its efficiency in destroying heavily fortified special facilities.” Kinzhal was used for these strikes due to its high kinetic energy and its ability to penetrate defenses. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-boris-johnson-business-europe-4b0fee549843a0a6ed73c314f8c2fa12
  5. I think that might eventuate if the war continues. Poland has already mooted sending troops into Ukraine on a peacekeeping mission and Biden is headed to Poland this week.
  6. Some photos of another of Putin's war crimes https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-024cfeb20ed4a60dc692401ffb3bb7be/gallery/dd1ef2542ddf4b1ea2d94c2aed9413c9
  7. I did, he's not really arrogant, just a little triumphalist perhaps. Only those on the far right with their noses out of joint might take exception to his tone. It was well worth watching.
  8. "Pausing with his shovel, Andrei said the neighbours he was burying were not killed by Russian shells or grenades but had died of ailments exacerbated by the huge stress of the past few weeks after being unable to get medical help. "The bombs did not kill them but all this... the situation - the basements, the lack of physical activity, the stress, the cold as well," he said. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/mariupol-under-heavy-bombardment-buries-its-dead-by-roadside-2022-03-20/
  9. Don't fool yourself into think the Russians are winning. The column gets stopped and an impatient general goes forward to see what's going on, because there's no initiative, no non-commissioned officer corps, no sense of initiative at junior levels -- they wait to be told what to do. Gets up there, and the Ukrainians have very, very good snipers and have been picking them off." "At least four of the five have been confirmed, I think the fifth we'll hear about today," he added. https://www.rawstory.com/russia-ukraine-generals/
  10. [India] needs European capital, Japanese investment and U.S. technology to modernize its economy--not to mention weapons and diplomatic support in order to stand up to rival China. Its media and ruling establishment should also remember that Russia caused this crisis with an unprovoked invasion of a smaller neighbor--and India can hardly be on the side of the aggressor. https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/hurting-from-sanctions-on-russia-india-is-losing-faith-in-the-west-122031800125_1.html
  11. I'm saying that Stalin's actions in 1932 solidified Ukrainian hatred of Russia and make a mockery of your claim that Ukraine remains within Russia's "sphere of influence".
  12. Germany has determined to remove it's influence on Russian oil within 5 years. Nobody said immediate. It will nevertheless cripple Russia's economy.
  13. They sure influenced Ukraine in 1932. Your theories are, frankly, offensive.
  14. Does China supplying arms to Russia put them in the Chinese alliance?
  15. Then, which non NATO country is next? Moldovia where there is already a strong Russian military presence?
  16. European Union governments will consider whether to impose an oil embargo on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine as they gather this week with U.S. President Joe Biden for a series of summits designed to harden the West's response to Moscow. Diplomats said a Russian chemical weapons attack in Ukraine, or a heavy bombardment of the capital Kyiv, could be a trigger for an energy embargo. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-mull-russian-oil-embargo-with-biden-set-join-talks-2022-03-21/
  17. What's possible is that Russia will become a pariah nation for decades to come with very little economy to speak of. Biden and other western leaders have made that clear. You seem to be ignoring the pressure on Russia's economy which is already running out of cash. If the US is disqualified from calling Putin a war criminal there are plenty of other western leaders accusing him of war crimes. Clearly you don't agree that he is a war criminal.
  18. Yes, I don't doubt that Russia will now declare mission accomplished and try to keep Mariupol, however that won't end Russia's problems going forward. Not by a long shot.
  19. I don't have an opinion. I'm quoting Zelenskiy and others. No body wants Russia to disappear, they want Putin to disappear and Russia out of Ukraine, all of it.
  20. So you clearly don't respect Ukraine's right to sovereignty. Ukraine has despised Russia since the 1930's famine. The Great Famine of 1932–1933 in Ukraine (Holodomor), took from 7 million to 10 million innocent lives and became a national tragedy for the Ukrainian people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor edit: I'm not American and have never been there. I agree completely about Iraq but this thread isn't about Iraq and in no way excuses unrelated war crimes.
  21. 'The Russians are in trouble, and they know it' Russia dropped bombs on Kyiv Sunday evening and into Monday morning just after a report revealed their soldiers used a tank to open fire on a senior care home on Saturday. “Russian generals are running out of time, ammunition, and manpower,” As a result, the report explained, they are turning to haphazard firing on civilians. https://www.rawstory.com/russia-in-trouble-commander/
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