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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. He's going to see NATO even closer now. Other non NATO countries will join, likely Finland and possibly Modova and Ukraine. NATO won't want to see their hands tied again when Russia invades its neighbours. Even before that happens, Ukraine will become the best armed non aligned nation in Europe. NATO will not tolerate Putin achieving any of his objectives in Ukraine. Sanctions will remain until he relinquishes control of Crimea and the Donbas regions.
  2. Do you believe Russia's propaganda that Ukrainians are just Russians with a different flag? Of course Ukraine stopped him, they hate him and now they hate Russians even more because of him. The Holomodor was too long ago for most to remember, now they have new memories of Russian aggression and brutality.
  3. Most crazies have their own agenda and Ukraine has already stopped him and, in some cases, reversed him.
  4. If profitable for the west then it must also be profitable for Russia. Russia started it so that must be the profit motive in action.
  5. That would be to put the opposition leaders in jail so there won't be an election driven change.
  6. “You’re in the midst of a fight between democracies and oligarchs,” the president told members of the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division as he visited their temporary headquarters. “Is democracy going to prevail and the values we share, or are autocracies going to prevail?” https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-biden-migration-world-war-ii-warsaw-652da1c2ab1c88de3032241089bfa516
  7. Actually, previously they were given their positions because of their religious affiliations and their willingness to break down the separation of church and state. This is why the SC is effectively reversing Roe v Wade and supported dark money donations to electoral campaigns.
  8. If Putin intended to concentrate on the East he would never have attacked the West. Exactly what military objective has he "accomplished"? Putin has failed and he intends to try to consolidate a land bridge between Crimea and Dombas. That will fail as well because sanctions will not be lifted and Ukraine will become ever stronger. He could probably have just held onto Crimea and Dombas had his expansionist instincts not been in play and if he had any decent advisors to speak truth to power. Now they will all be returned to Ukraine and until they do the Russian economy will contract and Putin will lose his grip on power.
  9. Indeed. All that is necessary is 50 votes in a the Senate and the support of the VP. Apparently she has at least got that.
  10. The assessment says it is likely Russia will continue to use its heavy firepower on urban areas as it looks to limit its own already considerable losses, at the cost of further civilian casualties. A vast apparatus is being built to gather and preserve evidence of potential violations of international laws of war for possible prosecutions https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-biden-kyiv-business-e1f346d4d0fe8281b33f206b9a5338c8
  11. An Economist-YouGov poll this week indicated that a plurality of adults, 42 percent, believe Jackson should be confirmed, against 25 percent who said she should not. A sizable 33 percent of adults in that poll — which concluded on Tuesday, the first day Jackson was questioned in earnest — said they were not sure either way. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/599785-the-memo-democrats-hope-gop-overplayed-hand-in-jackson-hearings
  12. How many members here claimed that because Biden said he wanted a black woman it meant that he wouldn't consider a white male?
  13. A Russian airstrike last week that blasted open a theater being used as a shelter in the suffering city of Mariupol killed about 300 people, Ukrainian authorities said, marking what could be the war’s deadliest known attack on civilians yet. The death toll announced Friday fueled allegations that Moscow is committing war crimes by killing civilians, whether deliberately or with indiscriminate fire. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-entertainment-moscow-europe-a5cfd7683d63c52a5faeee30efdc92e8 The Azov Special Operations Detachment, previously known as the "Azov Battalion" but now called the "Azov Regiment", is often targeted in pro-Russian social media posts, including by Russian embassies in Paris, London and elsewhere. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov used their presence to justify the bombing of a maternity ward there, saying the Azov regiment "and other radicals" were hiding in the building. But it had since become "de-ideologised" and a regular fighting unit, he told AFP. https://www.rawstory.com/azov-regiment-takes-centre-stage-in-ukraine-propaganda-war/
  14. Clearly, you don't believe she was the best qualified for the job but won't / can't say why. Accusing her of not being the best person because she's black.
  15. That's because, legally speaking, all foreigners in any country are "aliens" ????
  16. I've seen no credible criticism of Jackson that challenges her suitability for the job. All I see is dog whistling about reverse racism and the usual right wing sociopaths complaining about empathy. Pretty disgusting, all things considered.
  17. Biden thinks she's "exceptionally qualified". That would mean he considers her the best qualified of all candidates and I've seen no argument that she isn't.
  18. This is a curious sentiment to be honest. I have always regarded lack of empathy as akin to a lack of vitamins or some other condition. In fact, I would think a judge who isn't capable of demonstrating empathy in regard to defendants shouldn't be qualified to sit on the bench. I am not trolling you, this is my actual belief about the human kind and is core to what separates society into the two approximate halves that we see now. We see presence or lack of that trait in many of the discussions in this forum, among others. I completely reject the notion that having the ability to emphasize prevents objectivity. That's nonsense and just a talking point invented by those opposed to liberal justices. That specious argument also came up when Obama suggested it was important and even before then. https://origins.osu.edu/index.php/history-news/how-empathy-makes-superior-judges-and-justice "Far from conferring favoritism or setting law aside, as Obama’s critics contend, T.R. [Roosevelt] and Obama understood that empathy is often a prerequisite for impartiality." "And imagine the national embarrassment America would have been spared in Korematsu v. United States, the case that sanctioned internment of loyal American citizens of Japanese descent during World War II, had the court followed Justice Robert Jackson’s empathetic dissent, which, unlike the majority opinion, tried to understand the impact of imposing a racially motivated penalty on innocent Americans."
  19. Indeed. We should also concentrate on helping developing countries get vaccinated as that will help prevent further mutations. In Australia, the govt have just approved a 4th jab for the over 65's and vulnerable, available from April 4.
  20. like waiting for the end times? Yep, they waited for the bubonic plague to end. I suppose they didn't want to close down the economy so stop infections.
  21. what? do you think the next pick is going to be another black woman? He might pick a Latino, as being underrepresented. If whites were underrepresented he would 100% pick a white person. Do you not think so and why?
  22. well, UK daily deaths are rising and the 7 day average is now 180. Upward trends don't need to be ignored. Thailand's daily cases and deaths are rising as well. Something needs to be done.
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