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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Unvaccinated? I wouldn't rely on it to combat any virus when there is a vaccination available..
  2. I always leave them. Anecdotes are proof of nothing. I prefer scientific rigor. Take it or leave it ????
  3. Vaccines are quite effective at preventing transmission. In the case of delta, very much so and in the case of omicron about 50%. The research and date have been posted here many times. This is like an omicron reinfection. This abhorrent deception keeps being repeated despite plenty of science refuting it. It's just lying.
  4. actually, no. The anecdotes are overwhelmingly on one side of the debate. The side that believes in science finds it easier to cite actual credible research and data. The other side can't find any.
  5. Cambodia has one of the highest vaccination rates in SEA at 82% fully vaccinated.
  6. Germans pin hopes on Novavax moving the needle among anti-vaxxers https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germans-pin-hopes-novavax-moving-needle-among-anti-vaxxers-2022-02-13/
  7. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-paxlovid-pill-monoclonal-antibodies-treatments/
  8. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid) for the treatment of patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are within 5 days of symptom onset and at high risk of progression to severe disease. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/statement-on-paxlovid-drug-drug-interactions/
  9. Really? Go back and read my post more carefully. Here is the link https://aseannow.com/topic/1250163-next-virous-could-be-far-worse/?do=findComment&comment=17185270 edit: I think you are replying to the wrong post.
  10. Those were my words, the article I quoted was less ambivalent. Make an effort to quote in full please.
  11. Possibly not. "The market is reacting because an actual invasion has not yet been priced in," said Michael Farr of Farr, Miller and Washington LLC. "The severity of an invasion, if one occurs, will correlate to the severity of the market’s reaction." https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/us-investors-expect-more-volatility-ukraine-concerns-spook-markets-2022-02-11/
  12. It's a pity that a couple of other countries beginning with U couldn't manage to prosecute the very rich and very powerful for the same thing.
  13. Maybe you should ask the Thais - On the question of whether the lockdown should continue, 74% replied “yes”. Of that percentage, 26% said the lockdown should continue but with stricter measures to prevent people from travelling and gathering. 26% said it should continue but the measures should be eased as some people have already been vaccinated. 21% said the lockdown should continue the way it was going as the measures were appropriate. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/poll-shows-many-thai-residents-dont-think-the-lockdown-has-been-successful
  14. "Relax rules, stop forced quarantine, remove Thai pass bureaucracy, you will get millions more cases." I fixed that for you ????
  15. Thailand's. Every country has a different virus profile and demographics and must develop their own response.
  16. I never disputed that. What I said was that was the lesser offense here. The greater offense, as I said, was that the buggy struck the bike while illegally turning on a crossing and failing to take due care. Just as it is illegal to overtake on a crossing it is likewise illegal to turn on a crossing. Where he could have been turning into we don't know. "When driving into or out of a road-related area or adjacent land, you must give way to all vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians on the road, footpath or road-related area" " When driving a vehicle being overtaken by another vehicle, you must: keep to the left, if safe, to allow a reasonable space for the overtaking vehicle to pass or keep within your lane and not increase your speed until the other vehicle has completely overtaken your vehicle and returned to the lane or line of traffic."
  17. So did I. Following on from the research I have seen about mixing vaccines I might choose Novavax for my next booster unless an omicron specific vaccine becomes available.
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