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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Is it also a crime to mandate the many vaccines that already are mandatory for children?
  2. Do you believe that vaccines will always reduce virus transmission for all mutations or not?
  3. I have never stated that vaccinated people will get covid. On the other hand you stated that I have never stated that vaccinated people won't get covid. I said that the vaccines will always reduce that chance. Stop lying.
  4. Unspoken? I think that means you can't find data to that effect. The truth is that the Chinese vaccines provide strong protection against serious illness. Failure to acknowledge or even mention the effect against serious illness instead of merely neutralising infection is a serious deception by omission. We do know that none of the vaccines prevent infection. All of them protect against serious illness. Stop spreading misinformation and FUD. "Mahamud said on Tuesday that although Omicron could evade antibodies and cause infection, evidence was emerging that the Covid-19 vaccines still protected against severe illness, hospitalisation and death." https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3162208/omicron-good-signs-sinopharm-and-sinovac-shots-fend-severe "As with all the COVID-19 vaccines for which data are available, efficacy against the more severe outcomes is greater. Efficacy against hospitalisation for Sinovac in Chile, Brazil and Turkey was 85%, 100% and 100%, respectively." https://theconversation.com/what-are-the-sinopharm-and-sinovac-vaccines-and-how-effective-are-they-two-experts-explain-162258 "However, experts stress that double vaccinated people will still retain some protection against severe disease because this is mediated by T cells and B cells rather than antibodies." https://www.ft.com/content/afc1eecc-8b3d-4b98-8b65-3520862fb5da
  5. oh, an anecdote that disproves the facts! I'll say it again. Vaccines reduce infection and transmission of all variants of coronavirus. That is an inescapable fact. In the case of delta, by a lot. In the case of omicron we don't really know yet but it is definitely greater than zero.If you wish to provide data that disproves those facts go right ahead. Otherwise, without facts, your ad hominems simply reduce your credibility.
  6. Here is further justification for making vaccines compulsory, especially for children so they don't suffer from poor parenting. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizerbiontech-vaccine-protects-children-against-rare-covid-19-complication-cdc-2022-01-07/
  7. All you are saying here is that you stand by your factually incorrect assertion that vaccinated people will get covid.
  8. Your premise is wrong. If you're vaccinated you are highly unlikely to get delta, the most dangerous variety. The jury is still out on omicron but the chances are still less than if unvaccinated, it's only the numbers that are in doubt. You can argue the politics all you like, the fact remains that most Australians don't want unvaccinated people wandering around unnecessarily and certainly don't want exemptions for the privilege to enter the country.
  9. Testing isn't the same as recovering data from a dead hard drive.
  10. It doesn't matter that he is immune. He probably is. That isn't the point. it's the message to the unvaccinated which is the point.
  11. All shops are allowed open. My point is that people aren't going shopping anyway. There is no lock down but they are scared of a rampant virus. Most people understand that it isn't as bad as delta but that isn't the point. It's a dirty, nasty little virus and they don't want it, booster or not. I just took my mum who is 93 to get boosted tonight so we are done. There is no right to endanger public health. You have a right to not be vaccinated but that right doesn't mean coming here to play tennis. Most (nearly all) Australians are pro vax and couldn't give a toss about anti vaxers and their right to infect other people. And they could bring in the next worst mutant strain.
  12. Funny you should ask about businesses folding because of lock down. Australian businesses were on fire mostly until lock downs stopped and the virus exploded. Now retail spending has plummeted because people won't go out unnecessarily. I made this prediction many times as an argument against opening up until vaccine rates were higher. The medical profession were recommending 95% to defeat delta. Meantime, they aren't just picking on Djokovitch or tall poppies. It's about messaging, telling people there are no exceptions to getting vaccinated. Australian Border Force cancels tennis player Renata Voráčová's visa ahead of Australian Open. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-07/australian-open-renata-vorackova-visa-border-force/100745226 https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/anz-bank-says-australians-are-spending-less-than-ever-in-the-new-year/news-story/fc7f385fc658bf569982bcb085fae944
  13. For long term external storage they are still the right choice. Choose one in a drop proof case with an external power supply. Solid state drives resist impact better but can die while a disk platter (HDD spinning disk) is almost always recoverable.
  14. No, I have posted articles from the Australian press which say the same thing. In my state the nurses union say they are teetering on the brink of collapse. "We are not saying don't open the border, we are simply saying 'give us more time to get ready so that we don't have the catastrophe that we are starting to see in NSW'. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-07/wa-mask-mandate-scrapped-as-state-records-zero-covid19-cases/100743920 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jan/01/nsw-hospitals-resort-to-flying-nurses-in-from-overseas-as-staff-are-begged-to-take-extra-shifts-amid-covid-crisis https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jan/01/nsw-hospitals-resort-to-flying-nurses-in-from-overseas-as-staff-are-begged-to-take-extra-shifts-amid-covid-crisis https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-07/health-staff-shortage-queensland-covid-testing-vaxx-clinics/100744028
  15. did you bother to read any of the links which all referred to staffing issues? We have seen ICU popups in car parks so I think you are not correct. If so, where are your supporting links. The deniers love to make pronouncements of facts without ever providing credible and relevant links.
  16. Some might call that head in the sand. Possibly uninformed even ????
  17. Absolute garbage from a garbage source. The number of children admitted with covid was around half at best and many of those were aggravated by covid. There remains an ALARMING increase in pediatric admissions from covid. https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/State-Some-kids-with-COVID-19-in-hospitals-were-16738929.php "That's especially true for children, who have seen COVID hospitalizations soar to unprecedented numbers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut lately." https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/ny-covid-hospitalizations-top-11k-as-state-reports-highest-single-day-death-toll-since-mass-vaccination-rollout/3482719/ "States are also reporting surges in the number of children hospitalized, and official data last week showed that pediatric hospital admissions reached a record high." http://www.news.cn/english/20220106/85ec1e4b3f47439ab9c6feec824e1b54/c.html "Pediatric coronavirus hospitalizations in Connecticut have risen dramatically in recent weeks, and health officials are reporting crowded emergency rooms in children’s hospitals." https://ctmirror.org/2022/01/06/pediatric-covid-cases-rising-rapidly-in-connecticut/ "Doctors urge vigilance as some hospitals raise alarm about infants with COVID-19" https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/doctors-urge-vigilance-as-some-hospitals-raise-alarm-about-infants-with-covid-19-1.5730270 "Why COVID-19 hospitalizations of Canadian kids — and infants — could keep rising as Omicron spreads" https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/children-hospitalization-omicron-1.6305207 "The number of children being hospitalized with Covid-19 has soared to record highs in the U.S., a worrying trend experts believe is driven by low vaccination rates and the contagious omicron variant and could be worsened by unique complications caused by the way the strain infects the lungs. " https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2022/01/06/whats-driving-record-covid-hospitalizations-among-us-kids/?sh=78b577a643c0 "California hospitals strained for staff and bracing for omicron uptick, including among kids" https://www.capradio.org/articles/2022/01/06/california-hospitals-strained-for-staff-and-bracing-for-omicron-uptick-including-among-kids/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=Fz83KhfZKA7aeJlBStcM5fh4ESAiFKZ83XnDwdO70iM-1641538982-0-gaNycGzNCGU "More suburban kids hospitalized with severe COVID-19 cases as surge breaks records: ‘We just don’t know the implications’ https://chicago.suntimes.com/coronavirus/2022/1/6/22870700/illinois-coronavirus-kids-hospitalized-covid-omicron-vaccinate-record-cases
  18. I agree we will all face the virus sooner or later. I've just had a booster shot but over 65. I will still take precautions for a few weeks yet as I would rather wait until omicron displaces delta some more if it's going to do so. I'd rather not catch delta which is still prevalent in Australia. I would also prefer to get omicron in Australia before I go to Thailand. In another month the situation will be a lot clearer so it isn't time to open the flood gates yet.
  19. Goes without saying. I'd just prefer it wasn't next week. If it means putting ankle bracelets on a few anti vaxers I'm all for it.
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