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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No, but there are plenty of organizations who would be indistinguishable from the KKK. Among them the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and whatever the Australian equivalent is. Those are only the violent groups. Plenty of others harbor the same sentiment. Specifically, anybody who claims that the civil war wasn't 100% about slavery could be considered a card carrying racist.
  2. While Hamas holds 100 or so hostages it is in a position to demand a total ceasefire. I doubt that those hostages will get out alive if there isn't a permanent ceasefire and then some, we will see. The best chance for a ceasefire is coming from Israelis. Thousands demonstrated looking for Natanyahu to resign.
  3. Climate change denial is almost completely absent in countries which are not major producers of fossil fuel. Blame the lobby industry and political dark money donations.
  4. The entire world knows that Hamas demanded a complete ceasefire. Except you. I can't believe you are unaware. You are baiting.
  5. Hamas required a complete caesefire as I said. Unless you contest or provide a link to the contrary one isn't necessary for an event that has been linked previously (also your excuse) and is widely known even among those who can barely read. You're just baiting.
  6. go it. Not going to give a simple yes or no because you know you are wrong. Not going to give a link to disprove my assertion. Standard playbook for you.
  7. My totally unqualified and probably wrong opinion is this: OAP is an assessable source of income. It is not taxed because it doesn't exceed the tax free threshold. Were you to have a sideline hustle in Australia your taxable income would be that part of your total income above the tax free threshold. Under the double tax agreement OAP may not be assessable in Thailand.
  8. I only need to if you are asserting that what I said was not true.
  9. As far as I know the Israeli offer of a ceasefire is predicated on unconditional surrender and release of the hostages. They aren't negotiating in good faith if that's true.
  10. Nothing prevents Israel from stopping the war crimes right now.
  11. Whatever but it's in Israel's hands only to stop the Houti attacks. The US and allies can't. All they can do is escalate and drag Iran into a war it doesn't want. Not to mention Saudi Arabia is probably about to get some oil tanks blown up again. Releasing hostages unconditionally was never going to be a starter. Hamas may be terrorists but they aren't insane. They attacked Israel on October 7th for a reason. 50 years or more of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings and theft of land.
  12. The best course of action was peace. Israel stop bombing and negotiate a peaceful resolution and the Houtis will stop the attacks. They only started as a retaliation against Israel for the war crimes. They said so.
  13. Barramundi is farmed either in fresh water or sea water. In Australia, most of it is sea water farmed. In Thailand it is pond farmed. Back in the day pla grapong was ocean caught but not now.
  14. Careful, sunshine. Stop the "how can you live with yourself BS" Stop reading right wing trash like whatsupwiththat. Towards the end of the Obama presidency, the house they had rented was put on the market, The 6,967-square-foot main house sits 120 feet above sea level and features six bedrooms and seven baths including a private master suite with its own den. https://www.upscalelivingmag.com/real-estate/obama-vacation-rental-sells-15-million/ The Obama house isn’t on the ocean, it is on the Edgartown Great Pond, a salt-water pond protected from the actual ocean by a strip of beach that occasionally is breached when high tide coincides with a low pressure storm system. The pond (indeed, all of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard) were formed as glaciers retreated 10,000+ years ago. The land around the pond is gently sloping and none of the houses on the pond are anywhere near extreme high tide. https://www.quora.com/Why-did-the-Obamas-buy-a-large-house-on-Martha-s-Vineyard-when-it-is-right-on-the-ocean-If-they-believe-the-oceans-are-rising-shouldn-t-they-buy-much-further-inland-How-serious-is-the-threat-of-rising-sea-levels
  15. That little myth has been cleaned up for you previously as well. Obama's beachfront property is 13 metres above sea level. My mother does this too, every now and again she'll repeat the same falsehood that was debunked previously.
  16. The word "woke" means "understanding racial inequality". Racists are enraged that some people might "understand" racial inequality and want to teach accurate history in schools. They co-opted the word to attack anyone who "understands racial inequality". They want to erase the word and it's meaning from the dictionary by claiming that the meaning has changed. It hasn't. The confederates have not yet truly surrendered.
  17. No, we don't have to agree to accept conspiracy theories over science.
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