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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Xiaomi dash cams are very good and simple to install. Lazada or Shoppee. You can install them yourself or have the local tire shop guys put it for 100 baht.
  2. I wonder who's going to put weed into some school cafeteria's lunch? Nobody. It's the usual suspects stirring up baloney. School lunches could use some more practical vegetables though. According to our kids its rather bland.
  3. Hard to feel safe riding a bicycle in Thailand. Harrowing accident for all.
  4. "Ladyboy murder: Many twists - Lithuanian denies everything and blames mother" I doubt the mother would murder her own child, not to mention her meal ticket.
  5. I use the air con at 22-24 C. I turn it on to Dry (Dehumidifier) mode at the beginning and Early morning to save electricity. It's the humidity that makes it so uncomfortable. Despite being here for many years don't to think I'll ever acclimate fully to the oppressive high heat and humidity.
  6. MrJ2U

    Makro Bread

    "The war threatens to cause severe food shortages as Russia and Ukraine account for about 29% of global wheat exports." https://www.reuters.com/world/russian-flagged-ships-transport-ukraines-grain-syria-maxar-says-2022-06-16/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=daily-briefing&utm_term=06-17-2022
  7. MrJ2U

    Makro Bread

    I've actually noticed that sometimes Tesco's is out of sliced bread lately. There's not much choice really. I think theres "Farmers Pride" or "Tesco's Bread". Lately if I see it in stock I'll buy a loaf just in case there out on the next visit.
  8. It's a good idea to see if hotels close to any airports in Thailand offer parking if you stay a night or two. Some also have a free or minimal charge for an airport shuttle.
  9. That's what happened with our entire family. Our 3 year old and 8 year olds ended up with mild fevers for 2 days and we within a week were perfectly fine.
  10. Most Everything in Patong is an overpriced tourists trap. Great beach though. Rawai live seafood market is worth the trip if you've got transportation. You can pick out your own seafood at to the fresh Seafood market. Numerous restaurants will cook your haul at 100 baht a Kilo by the market. We've done it many times. It's good fun!
  11. Never heard of "overdosing" on marijuana. Perhaps it's people just wanting to regulate the stuff so that they can control it and then profit from it. It's similar to the alcohol regulations. Just a few families are allowed to reap the profits.
  12. Good post. Also unless you prebook or already have prebooked those newer vaccines won't be readily available to just anyone. Thailand is going to rely heavily on their own unproven vaccines. There was an article recently saying the health department had no plans to purchase anymore vaccines as it already had plenty. It's difficult to tell with Thailand as transparency isn't a strong suit.
  13. Seems like more people getting infected everyday. Absolutely no help like food or medicines distribution to the elderly or infirmed though. A stay at the dilapidated "Gulag " hospital starts at 10,000 baht. Luckily its mild and I haven't heard of any fatalities from the virus. No boosters available in the province, Sakon Nakhon.
  14. The person who he murdered was a renowned drug trafficker. He should be commended for doing the Phuket Police departments job.
  15. I wouldn't worry about it. The thing probably won't last a month.
  16. That helps. But idiots driving 120 kilometers through a village is the norm around Sakon Nakhon. It's not only children but if a dog, chicken, or buffalo strolls onto the road the driver swerves and plows into some house. I'm all for the 120 kilometers an hour speed limit on highways. Just slow it down going through the villages. .....of course this will never happen.
  17. It's great right now.
  18. At 85 that's the last thing you need.
  19. Yes. Unfortunately people drive to fast through the small villages that dot the country roads in Thailand. Maybe they drive better where you live. Obviously you you don't know Thailand.
  20. Hope to they have better luck than A&W which has had to close up Thier operations in Thailand. Hope so. Nice to have variety for people. You get tired of sinewy chicken and leathery steaks.
  21. "Thailand Sees More Visitors, Higher Exports". Thailand's politicians see many things. They need glasses.
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