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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Good idea. It's usually the foreigners without a clue walking about without them. Omicron 5 is highly contagious. The mask prevents people from spraying a fine spit in the air and spreading the virus. I think it's the conspiracy theorist and trump followers who are so resolute against common sense. Wear a mask or stay home.
  2. I was feel hotter than the people around me. But 24 would help.
  3. Yes, still to hot. I think only the Thais or Arabs think high humidity and extreme heat are comfortable to sleep above that. .... Except the falangs cheap Charlie's of course. Ridiculous cheapies to lose sleep over an extra 20 baht to be comfortable.
  4. Great luck with Paul. In Pattaya.
  5. That's really the biggest problem, especially outside of the bigger cities. Thailand seems to weather all the waves very well. So far.
  6. Near the Lao border. Fortunately we are able to travel a lot. I'd prefer to be near the beach. I'm happy, we've got a nice setup and wonderful children (at the moment).
  7. Married now with a family. Enjoy your ride!
  8. Get an Android box. (Mi box 4 on Lazada) Download Kodi. (Google Playstore). Troypoint.Com has good tutorials on installing a good build on Kodi. Watch anything, anytime as long as you have good WiFi.
  9. I agree. I personally prefer petite Thai women. Latin America women tend have more robust features. Either way it comes down to personal taste. I miss Mexican food!
  10. Between Mexico and Thailand. I would pick Thailand. But your from latin America so maybe that's why?
  11. Come for 3 months. You'll most certainly will enjoy it. Don't bother bringing anything. Sell it and buy what you need once you decide to move here permanently. You only live once.
  12. Perhaps let foreign companies run the Thai oil rigs again? Once PTT took complete control production dropped 70%. Importing Russian oil will be complicated and costly. America would definitely not appreciate it.
  13. Heather Mack: She's now in a Federal prison (Chicago) after serving 7 years of a 10 year sentence. In Indonesia. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/heather-mack-woman-who-killed-mom-in-bali-appears-in-court-us-murder-charge-2/2679771/#:~:text=Heather Mack%2C a Chicago woman,her bail will be set.
  14. Easier just not do drugs or kill people in Indonesia. What deters me is its Muslim religion. Outside of Bali it can be pretty boring.
  15. They'll usually have the translation services there. You'll need it translated in any case. You'll probably need 24 -48 hours. Best to call whichever service provider you'll be using. They do this all the time.
  16. We're going into another wave. I'm sure they won't mention that. Either way Thailand is popular and definitely on anyone's list to getaway.
  17. Here's some info: 3-5 years: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_Indonesia#:~:text=Law on cannabis,-Punishment&text=Personal use%3A maximum 4-year,800 million – 8 billion..
  18. Just use a notary in Thailand. Plenty available and quicker than going to an embassy.
  19. Indonesia! Harsh. They could have just bough a joint there if they were desperate. Nightmare scenario.
  20. Lots of rain. I'm sure it would be fun nonetheless if you have endless time and a big budget. You might consider doing it in a car or SUV. Much more comfortable, safer, and you can pack your golf clubs. Have fun. It'll be something to always remember!
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