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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. So lame. People aren't going to come unless they can get high in weed. They don't give a damn about cooking or making ropes with it. Be honest not many people smoke marijuana anymore. I'm sure the same people will make money with, don't expect anyone in regular society to benefit financially from the move.
  2. Might as well. The virus is entrenched here. I don't think they'll be any hospital beds left for the annual onslaught of car crash, motorcycle wipeouts,and drunken injuries that will arise. I'm staying close to home.
  3. I'll enquire with my wife. I know she mentioned one of our cousins (teen boy). It could be just laziness on his part. Seems rampant (lazy) in our village amongst the boys.
  4. You'll have to swallow the cost and use either FedEx or DHL as EricTH mentioned especially if its important. Ive found FedEx cheaper IMO. Interesting to know if the consulate is still doing that during the pandemic, very easy and straight forward if they are.
  5. Good for her. Our 7 year girl has been doing pretty good and is being quite the trooper! As you mentioned teenagers haven't been able to get there second Pfeizer shot in our village for over 2 months now. I don't think they have enough once again. Hope your little girl is doing well. Good for her!
  6. I love your attitude! I like your posts too. I was just kidding with you. Apple phones are great.
  7. So was the person who sold it to you.
  8. That's how they test for oil spills also. Probably just mercury. Nothing to worry about.
  9. Thats not going to happen. IMO They don't want to spend the money on boosters. And when they do its never enough. Its been half baked the entire pandemic. Children's Pfeizer shots finally arrived today in Sakon Nakhon. Get the government out of running the vaccinations.
  10. Be cheaper just to pay for there flights out instead of Chartering a Thai Airways flight. Probably better food and service also.
  11. Probably. It's been 15 years since I taught. VCR's were still around with a smattering of DVD's. You probably could just get great class planners online, they probably even have paid sites for those.
  12. You'll be lucky not to have to pay for your own chalk to use on the 20 year old chalkboard.
  13. Thats one of the hardest parts of teaching. That preparation can takes most of your weekend (time off). If you can find a school willing to do your lesson planning for you go for it.
  14. That and cheap women is what brings middle Eastern men to Thailand. There not coming for the mosques.
  15. Lucky. Interesting website about flight cancellations throughout the world. https://flightaware.com/live/cancelled/today/BKK
  16. That'll help bring in the stragglers. As these COVID numbers increase many airlines won't be flying here until its brought under control. Getting insurance will be more problematic.
  17. That causes more panic. I very insecure and anemic government dressed up the "generals" clothes.
  18. Cambodia is better than nothing. Borders should be opening soon.
  19. Why don't get in your car and do some traveling around Thailand. Hotels and resorts are dirt cheap. If you're single there's plenty of beautiful and friendly girls everywhere. The islands have beach front rooms for 20.00 bucks a night with breakfast. Paradise!
  20. That's not a glitch. There's not enough hospital beds for other ailments like car crashes,heart attacks,etc. Private hospitals keep a few for their VIP gueasts. Those who hold Gold or Diamond cards that cost 40,000-50,000 in annual fees. Bankok Hospital Group is just one of them. Despite all the "talk" of great hospitals in Thailand theres just a few quality ones in each province. Many are just huge cement Soviet style gulags with a few nurses in training and a doctor that visits occasionally. A relative has to bring you food and clean you up.
  21. Give it a try. Or get an E-visa to Cambodia. Then cross the border or fly to Thailand from there.
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