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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Very easy considering they do less than 5,000 "official" tests a day and test kits are sold out in many places. Many people saying how "Mild" it is. The problem is that the Thailand hosptals can't handle more cases. There inundated. Nurses and doctors are worn out.
  2. Good luck with the air-conditioning.
  3. Good for you. Satisfying fixing something on your own. Now I've got to fix a broken water pipe that was installed "in" the walls. Enjoy your week!
  4. Someone is just taking home half of the school food supplies. Probably the entire staff. Kids need that food so there brains can function during school. Hard to get away with things with social media these days.
  5. I'd contact them. If they say no when you get there extra baggage fees "at the airport counter" will be much more than prepaying.
  6. Nothings free! Hopefully get a reasonable price. One thing about Thailand is that labor is inexpensive, especially up here in Issan. Paying a little more for a good job is critical.
  7. I had the same problem. I was at my wits end! Leaky toilet fixed,I added a shutoff valve to an adjacent water tank, pressure valve. Nothing worked. I kept imagining the extra electricity every month! Finally replaced the pump and in close inspection there was like a hairline crack. Just dribbling a little water. I sent it to Hitachi in Bangkok. I never heard back from them. Reminds me,. I better call them its been like two months. New Hitachi is working great. No ghost startups every 10 minutes.
  8. I was talking about rats on the beach. I love Pattaya. I just don't walk along the beach at night as it has rats running around on it.
  9. Sometimes 7 or 8 kilometers before they eventually take the plunge. You need to be patient otherwise you'll go mad driving here. Nice post.
  10. The beach has rats running all over the beach at night. Looking at it sometimes gives me the eebbee jeebies. I don't go to Pattaya for the beach though.
  11. I think I'm one of the few who may agree. Airports can be fascinating. Mixed with a lounge,phone, restaurants, people watching,time flys. Especially if you're on your way to a vacation. Heading home to work and mundane life might be different. You worked for renowned "Crab" airways. Airline for the rich and famous? Cool.
  12. 24 hours is a long time. Sometimes there's no choice. Bring a good book.
  13. Sure tastes good though. I believe Thailand uses some pretty harsh insecticides as well. In any case its good to thoroughly wash your fruit and vegetables before you consume as pesticides are overused all over the region.
  14. You need the official "Yellow Book" for International travel. Thats 50 baht and takes a week. I think the app is approved for travel to the EU only. Might be good to have in case you may need it for future travel.
  15. You don't know what your talking about. "Thailand’s average MFN applied tariff rate was 29 percent for agricultural products" https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/thailand-import-tariffs Thats not including the VAT of 7% charged. You're unlikely to see imported rice unless its at high end shops with high end prices. Lots of Chinese fruit and vegetables available though for some reason. downright cheap and pretty good quality.
  16. Thailand wants to tax everyone imports while getting a free ride. Import taxes are very high here making even the most meager imported goods out of the reach of the common consumers.
  17. Yes Perhaps you can fly into Udon Thani and rent a car. 2.5 hour drive but very pleasant. Plus descent hotels before flying out. Good nightlife in Udon Thani also! You'll need a car here if you need to go anywhere. There's not even moto taxis available in the City. Where in Sakon Nakhon? Up in Northern Sakhon across the river. Beung Khon has a village/City with a pub/Pizza place where they serve good food and ex pats hang out and shoot the breeze. Plenty of Lao girly bars everywhere, and one up the street from the Pub.
  18. Its the law. I don't know why anyone would want to step on money in any case.
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