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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. My wifes mother has a son thats addicted to YaBa. Continues trouble but she gives him a little money everyday for "food". He's never been violent but he's not allowed in our property and my wife doesn't want to hear about her "poor" brother anymore. He's 47, always been trouble. It's the only problem with that family. Sometimes wish he was in jail full time.
  2. Before that why don't you just connect through WiFi? We've got a few big 65" Samsung Smart TV's and they're all connected to WiFi. 4k streaming with Netflix and YouTube. But if you insist heres a switch.
  3. I've got a credit card that comes with Priority Pass. Your able to use the executive lounges for 3 hours in many airports. It's nice if you fly a lot. Don't get to use it much the last two years of the pandemic.
  4. "How many people die of the flu each year, on average? According to data collected by the CDC from 2010 to 2020, the agency estimates that the flu has caused 12,000–52,000 deaths annually. During that time, the flu also caused 9 million–41 million illnesses, and 140,000–710,000 hospitalizations. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year. " Actually you should be getting a flu vaccine every year. But thats up to you.
  5. Thats what forums are for. Sounds like you need to move from that village. You've probably created a rift that will make life pretty rough there. Hopefully its not your wife's village.
  6. You mean those morons we call "antivaxers"? Looks like that Tennis player won't be playing in the French Open either. Good!
  7. A relatively sane person could care less about a 300 baht fee when it comes down to making a decision. It's insignificant when traveling. It's the price of a cup of coffee and a pastry in the airport. If that worries you then you probably shouldn't be traveling to Thailand. You'll be a basket case here with all its hidden charges.
  8. Place an order. Thats how they got Sinovac. It actually costs more than Pfeizer. And in the long run its been found to be less effective. China isnt giving it away. It was the same with masks,hand gel, alcohol. They were shiping it to China and leaving the thai populace without a access.
  9. It's definitely not what it used to be. The last time I was there it was pretty dead. Drinks we're overpriced, I doubt locals would waist their time and money there these days. Plenty of other places to go in Bangkok and enjoy yourself.
  10. Well you'll have to stop by on your next visit. It's all very interesting and the girls are still beautiful!
  11. "Moderna vaccines the best — and Sinovac least effective — at stopping covid deaths, Singapore data suggests" https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/01/11/singapore-coronavirus-vaccine-moderna-sinovac-pfizer/ HONG KONG -- "A third dose of Sinovac's COVID vaccine does not provide sufficient protection against the omicron variant, new research reveals, contradicting the Chinese vaccine maker's pronouncement that it does." https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/COVID-vaccines/Sinovac-booster-insufficient-against-omicron-study-shows
  12. That was strictly Thailands fault. They still don't have enough vaccines on order to provide boosters to everyone.
  13. You'll need to go back and get that paperwork. Once you have the paperwork you can use the morpom app and/or get the 50 baht yellow book from the main public hospital (s) in your province. Yellow book takes a week to process and app is instantaneous.
  14. Unfortunately the pandemic has hurt tourism in every country. The "remake" of Khao San road was definitely a mistake. Have you seen it? Definitely designed by someone in the military. Stalinistic touches here in there. Absolute monstrosity!
  15. It's not open for business. Looked like a nice place for a young single guy! (Or gal).
  16. Why? Thais have no confidence in this "government". People want to know what the numbers are.
  17. Thats what they say. Private Hospitals are getting full. Bangkok Hospital has no available beds.
  18. Bangkok Hospital has run out of beds. I was rerouted to another private hospital for problems with my knee last Thursday.
  19. No kids getting Corona and passing it on to grandparents. Also I don't want my children perhaps getting a bad case and having to be hospitalized. "Child hospitalization rates hit record highs as Omicron variant becomes prevalent" https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/07/health/us-coronavirus-friday/index.html I know in Bangkok many hospitals have run out of beds.
  20. Oaf. You wouldn't know what statistics we're if they landed on your receding hairline. You should stop now before you appear even more lame. If you ride your little bike like you post I'd be amazed if you survive long. Stick to walking. Save everyone a headache.
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