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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. "No lockdown, Omicron is under control: PM" Time to worry. Next: Anutin says something stupid.
  2. I think its a little late. A few bar/restaurant streets in Hua Hin will need more than a few thrifty domestic tourists to open up again.
  3. No its stranger that you don't tip. I could understand bad service. Even Thais tip the little change given after paying the bill. I can imagine the service people dreading you at the places you frequent.
  4. Are there many places still open? Be interesting to hear from people actually there.
  5. "5 Strange Problems Caused by a Weak Battery and How You Can Avoid Them" https://www.autotrader.ca/newsfeatures/20200325/5-strange-problems-caused-by-a-weak-battery-and-how-you-can-avoid-them/
  6. Great! Now lets get other countries on board. ....I just read Austria is following suit. Antivaxers or going to have a hissy fit!
  7. https://www.91wheels.com/news/disconnect-car-battery-when-not-in-use-for-long It's wise thing to do when leaving your car unattended for longer than a month. Battery replacement will be cheaper than screwing up your internal electronics or motherboards.
  8. Some Private hospitals are offering pre-ordered of second generation Moderna. I ordered 3 doses from Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital. We're due our second doses of Moderna next week for the naysayers. Definitely worth the wait unless your able to have gotten Pfeizer that was donated by the USA. Private Hospitals in Khon Kaen seem to be able to access Moderna or provide information when its available for order, same with Pfeizer.
  9. I don't agree with them. But it's nice to see a little freedom of speech.
  10. She's going to make a lot of money. Anyone living close will be the losers. Despite whatever they say Thailand allows anything and everything to be dumped. Batteries,chemicals, gasoline, solvents,etc. An owner can become very wealthy owning a garbage dump.
  11. yes, Chaweng was looking like it was evacuated. Eerie.
  12. Last week they closed our daughters school for one week. Border of Sakon Nakhon and Bueng Kon.. No reason givin. Lack of information to the parents contributes to the worry.
  13. Definitely. Unfortunately the Issan branch in Sakon Nakhon is so limited. Ketchup and Mustard is the only thing resembling foreign food here.
  14. "Thailand removed from Germany’s list of COVID-19 high risk countries" Now Thailand needs to put Germany on the "High Risk" list. "Germany: Incoming minister advises against Christmas travel to stem COVID-19" https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/germany-incoming-minister-advises-against-christmas-travel-stem-covid-19-2359676
  15. "Thai teaching style: do Thai teachers tend to get angry if students have difficulty understanding a topic?" I Think any teacher gets frustrated when pupils don't grasp what there being taught. I think even more so in Thailand's public schools. Many kids playing on there phones these days. It would drive anyone crazy.
  16. Be careful is all you can do and get vaccinated. Business as usual in Terminal 21 Korat. Roads we're packed with travelers from Salon Nakon. On our way to Hua Hin. The hotel is sold out next week. People are tired of staying home no matter what.
  17. "Can Thailand become a digital nomad hub?" why not! It's the "hub" of almost everything under the sun.
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