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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. I honestly love going to phnom phen. Really nice hotels now and the girls are fun and beautiful. Being married has unfortunately put the kebash on a return trip alone.
  2. Or just take one pill and fall asleep or enjoy your day without a stuffy nose.
  3. That was the original problem 30 years ago. Now it's just cheaper to buy the stuff (Meth/YaBa)on the street, usually controlled by the local police.
  4. I always have some on hand. It works great for the occasional stuffy nose. The Bangkok Hospital group has never said no I always get 60 at a time. Maximum allowed at Bangkok Udon Thani in my experience. I have to pay a 300 baht doctors fee.
  5. As long as they spend money they could care less if they came from the moon
  6. Better than nothing. 3 months would be perfect.
  7. Calm down young lady. Time to take off your cheap rose tinted glasses and get a reality check.
  8. Lousy Thai construction and lackluster safety features definitely contributed to the bad decision to climb onto the roof. Once you live here in Thailand a few years you'll see rants about lousy construction and lack of safety features are warranted. Obviously you're still in the honeymoon phase.
  9. Article says she fell from the roof trying to access her room. It's nothing to do with faulty construction.
  10. MrJ2U

    Covid boosters MIA

    No they didn't. Get your head out of your a**.
  11. MrJ2U

    Covid boosters MIA

    Unfortunately, for the other rational people who want an updated booster shots the government as usual has made it difficult or impossible to get one.
  12. Once they get there first electricity bill they'll probably dismantle it and just resort back to Bhuddism.
  13. The Northeast infrastructure in regards to roads is definitely lacking. Are you suggesting we don't pave what little roads we have up here and revert to dirt roads? The flooding is mainly to do with poor or no water management. It always has been.
  14. I always find our Issan village loudspeaker system useless.
  15. 13 hours seems about right for a Thai person with the help of someone on the other side to figure out how exit a locked bathroom. If my kid was locked in a bathroom Id probably kick the door down after 20 minutes.
  16. Considering she's served over 35 years in Congress and there's upwards of 7,000 bills a year I'd say she's a slog when it comes to bi partisanship.
  17. Yes, really. Besides yourself, most people agree with my opinion. Perhaps your just I'll informed or stuck in a time warp. Get with it old man.
  18. She should be locked up for disturbing the peace. What a heratic.
  19. I'm a Democrat but Pelosi, like most "lifetime" politicians is way beyond her prime.
  20. Even a minor case of dengue can quickly escalate as in this poor ladies case. Devastating.
  21. Plenty of Massacres before this one. "List of massacres in Thailand" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Thailand Lots of them to do with YaBa. That's a big problem.
  22. Also, it's satisfying doing it yourself on top of saving a lot of dosh. I get it.
  23. Or you get shafted by a corrupt IO. For me I prefer using an agen. However I can understand others preferring to do it themselves.
  24. Because it still a pain in the a**. Having an agent streamlines everything. I've got a friend like you. He enjoys just doing it himself despite the waisted days and headaches it entails.
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