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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Park at your hotel and rent a scooter. Great food, very clean, good shopping. I enjoy a few nights in the old walled section at a nice hotel. My Issan wife thinks it's totally boring.
  2. And now revelations he was paying reporters upwards of 100,000 baht for glowing stories about his crime busting exploits. Thai's and falangs in general have no respect or trust of the RTP, politicians, or any Thai placed in a position of authority.
  3. The taxi's are being replaced by Grab, Bolt, etc. Taxi's overcharging isn't some new revelation in any case. If the TicToker tries that in Phukett he'll probably get his head bashed in.
  4. They also raided 5 houses that "Big Joke" had bought for his subordinates. According to another newspaper Along with his Luxury cars, the extraordinary wealth exhibited could be excused for the equally corrupt CCIB early morning raids.
  5. Goof for you. After 2 weeks you'll find it easier. After a few months you'll realize that it was one of the best things you chose to do. Seeing other drunks and raging alcoholics will enforce that smart choice to abstain. Losing weight and saving loads of money is an added benefit! Good luck.
  6. We all know how this ends. It's chasing a rabbit down a hole. Why do conservatives always have to interfere with anything immoral. <deleted>in nut cases.
  7. Obviously. Totally classless poster with an extremely bad attitude to add to your ineptitude. There's a reason nobody likes you.
  8. Regarding your health, new research says that any amount of alcohol is bad for your health. "No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health" https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health#:~:text=The risks and harms associated,that does not affect health.
  9. In my opinion, Western Union is probably the most expensive way to send money overseas.
  10. What kind of discount? I thought you'd have to be using under 350 baht to get a discount. I guess any discount is welcome though.
  11. They start at 160 million depending on the variant. "Each jet can cost more than $160 million, depending on the variant" https://time.com/6315261/missing-military-f35-jet/#:~:text=The F-35 program%2C the,million%2C depending on the variant. Still a much better deal than the Thai proposed purchase of Chinese Subs without engines.
  12. So many complaints his "Former Company's" workmanship. Shoddy and shady just like Anutin. Complete scumbag.
  13. 67% of the global population have herpes. It's more common than you think. "More than 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 -- about 67 percent of the global population -- are infected with herpes simplex virus" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/two-thirds-of-the-world-population-has-herpes/#:~:text=More than 3.7 billion people,are highly infectious and incurable. More likely than not you or your partner have it also.
  14. You'll also save a load of cash abstaining from alcohol.
  15. Don't worry, just Probably COVID. Symptoms usually last 2-3 weeks with extreme fatigue. Being a virus nothing you can do but rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  16. Perks for working for the government in Thailand are a reason nobody ever wants to leave after getting a position.
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