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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. There recommending 1/2 dose when you use Moderna as a booster. So you've got 4 booster shots if you have friends. Also get the booster vaccine in the other arm. "The Moderna COVID-19 single booster dose is half of the dose that is administered for a primary series dose and is administered at least six months after completion of a primary series of the vaccine." https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-takes-additional-actions-use-booster-dose-covid-19-vaccines#:~:text=The Moderna COVID-19 single,primary series of the vaccine.
  2. That sums up the governments vaccine rollout since day one. Many who pre-ordered Moderns months ago will have the luxury of using that as booster if they've already gotten Pfeizer. Or in your case Astra Zeneca. You should be looking to pre order Moderna. Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital was selling "second" generation Moderna coming out in 6-9 months on their website..
  3. She's fun. We can hit the clubs for a few hours while the Nanny watches our children. Be good to see the girls getting some work. I definitely don't want to <deleted> her off. I don't want any "fury"! Enjoy your time!
  4. I'm in Issan. Trying talk my wife into going for the weekend. Love the"Big Mango"!
  5. Welcome back to Thailand. Despite closing early I bet your quite happy to be here. Still plenty of places to grab a drink and lots of skirt everywhere!
  6. If he's sold it he should offer you the 2 months free to get you out amicably. Much easier for the both of you. If he hasn't actually sold the place he should just honor the remaining few months at the agreed price. Sounds like a d***. ...But he is French.
  7. Maybe not with the math their using. But I think theres going to be a lot of pent-up dudes wanting to visit. No matter how many hoops there are, It can be worth it for some of these Thai gals!
  8. That's really bad. Looking at the hotel prices you'd think thats where everyone went.
  9. The problem isn't the foreigners. It's going to be the unvaccinated Thai's. Even before this there's a lot of Thais getting COVID-19. Northern and Southern Thailand are seeing thousands everyday. But hey, Thailand's open for business. I hope the hospitals can keep up.
  10. "Polio is a viral disease which may affect the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and paralysis. The polio virus enters the body through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an infected person." https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/poliomyelitis/fact_sheet.htm
  11. Booking for Christmas at a popular 5 star resort in Hua Hin. Vaccines not needed for stays. Decided not to stay there. That and the price.
  12. I think thats it. His conservative views are out of place and out of date.
  13. Anything compared to the sparsely vaccinated country is "low risk". I think everyone is eager to see how this goes. Many hospital ER's are pretty full and hospital staff streched out and stressed out.
  14. 64 people per plane including the crew. Good service though and window seat practically guaranteed. You can't sustain an airline with so few passengers.
  15. That actually sounds like a lot after reports of the arrivals for the Phuket "Sandbox" scheme.
  16. They usually stay at cheaper hotels. Definitely not 10,000-15,000 a night rooms.
  17. Looks like a nice job. Like Crossy says, if someone really wants to get in, they will. Hopefully the bad guys will try to break into something thats easier than the setup you have. You could also put in a Dummy CCTV camera with a blinking red light. Lazada has them for a few bucks.
  18. Million's of those dogs wandering the streets. Why don't you keep it? Make sure you get it neutered!
  19. I was just booking at a well known 5 star resort in Hua Hin for the Christmas period. They emphasized that vaccines weren't necessary. I was taken aback, I would hope that they would require there guests (adults) to show proof of vaccination. It shows how desperate they are for customers. The rates are through the roof though.
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