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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Hopefully it all works out. Very stressful not being able to access your money while in a foreign country. I wonder just how easy it is to port one number to another carrier? Thailand usually doesn't make things simple.
  2. Nope. Its right up with all the rest of the antivaxer states. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109004/coronavirus-covid19-cases-rate-us-americans-by-state/
  3. Transferred your True number to AIS. Same number but with a different carrier that works with your banks.
  4. That's very important. It's also important to know technology. Of course you don't want to overdose on it.
  5. I asked my wife if any of her friends are heading back to Pattaya or Bangkok in response to the opening. She said, "No". Not enough confidence in the crowds to materialize.
  6. Get a Samsung. 3 years of Android updates. Memory expansion. 7" or larger. Great support. Brilliant screens. Easy to get repaired in Thailand. *For children get screen protector and a nice case for protection. The cheapo knockoffs are just that. Cheap Chinese cr**.
  7. You still need soap after plashing excrement out of the bum hole onto your hands. Bum gun great invention though, need more in the west.
  8. Stop using this garbage already. Nobody is going to allow their young children to use this Cr**.
  9. The government gave 2000 baht per child a few months ago. Some private schools offered discounts. .... basically your out of luck for much as private schools are really struggling.
  10. I think most of us prefer visiting temples and overpriced silk shops. ... especially during the Hot season.
  11. It's not only that. Thailand isn't really hygiene orientated. Huge markets never have soap or toilet paper in there bathrooms. Washing hands after taking a duece isn't really a Thai thing.
  12. I don't think they have much vaccines on order either. 30 million pfeizer vaccines won't even cover 20% of the booster shots they need now. All this "cheap charlie" way of ordering vaccines is biting them in the rear ....Yet they keep saying how great there doing. Jaw dropping incompetence!
  13. I believe the vaccination rates are much lower than reported. Our daughter starts school Monday. To be safe I'll be driving her for the foreseeable future. I'm thinking packed busses. Are the bus drivers vaccinated?. Theres so many variables. I hope everything is OK, like every parent we prefer our kids in school learning. Much better for the kids. Much better for the parents sanity.
  14. Nice to have a realist. I think theres going to be massive transmission from children to the elderly. This will be especially bad in Issan with its total lack of vaccinations mixed with poverty, crowded homes, and lack of hygiene.
  15. Your right but should have kept it to yourself. Anyway, you obviously know this. This makes you a good person. Tomorrow ask her, "teelok, where's the juice"? To make her feel guilty.
  16. In Phuket your better of renting your car at the airport. Enjoy your own transportation and freedom. Then return the car at the airport and go home. I do that and avoid the as* ho** taxi's and the eventual headache. Just dont drink and drive. If you plan on drinking get Grab
  17. I don't think Thailand is ready for opening. I don't trust the numbers they say have been vaccinated on top of total distrust of the Chinese vaccines and there ability. It's going to be an interesting month or two to say the least. I'm dying to go on holiday also but not literally. I'm vaccinated with Pfeizer but still waiting on my wifes Moderna. Enjoy your weekend!
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