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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. What can you do? If theres another wave of infections there won't be many willing to travel anyways. Looks like Hua Him wont be opening up on November 1St along with some provinces down South. I attribute this to the low vaccine rates and choice of vaccine.
  2. Thats to bad. These tournaments bring in a lot of money.
  3. Oh please! This isn't new technology. Get out from under that rock. mRNA technology has been around since the 1960's. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02483-w
  4. The Thai people I've talked to are eager for the mRNA vaccines. But they can't get a hold of them. The only complaining I've heard is having to take the Chinese versions. Theres always going to be anti vaxers everywhere. Theres not enough Pfeizer to go around anyways. Give them Sinovac instead. Save the Pfeizer for the smart gene pool.
  5. Up front more expensive but they can last 20 or so years. They also give you that truly resort look!
  6. The pool robots are a great investment.
  7. I've noticed my daughter and her friends have gained a little wieght since online learning started. My kids were a lot more active at school. 6 hours a day online learning for our daughter with my wife close by to help. We're all looking for some normalcy sooner than later.
  8. Sounds good! My wife corrected me later. Good idea to get laminated with the humidity and rain. Some very good deals on domestic flights. I'm vaccinated but my wife is waiting for Moderna. Frustrated with the delays.
  9. I Know there mixing with good results. I wouldn't trust the mix and match with Sinovac. I've got my Pfeizer shots now. I'd like a booster with Moderna if it's available come 6 months from now.
  10. Your right. My wife said that's for international travel. Lost in communication somewhere along the line.
  11. Important. The actual paper you get after your second vaccine isn't the actual passport. As Rabbit said. You will need to bring the paperwork, passport, copies of everything to a registered hospital and it takes about a week to get the passport. .50 baht You'll get a receipt to pick it up later. Important as you'll need it to travel domestically,eat at restaurants, enter malls, etc.
  12. Better option than mixing Sinovac and Sinopharm. The best thing would be to order enough of the proper vaccines and administer them per the recommendation of the drugmakers. No excuse. They've had plenty of time to order. Now there losing more money by being on red lists and warnings for travel due to their vaccination rates and vaccine choices.
  13. I was watching some videos on YouTube. It looked pretty crowded. Anyone in Phuket go?
  14. A metal box, or shipping container would be expensive to keep cool. "The Pros and Cons of Building with Shipping Containers" http://www.aadhan.org/blog/2016/7/2/pro-and-cons-container-architecture
  15. I don't think smoking vapors is good for you. I definitely wouldn't want any of my family or loved ones doing it. Best thing is not to do it. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html
  16. There probably throttling certain sites that strain the servers. It wouldn't hurt to suggest the upgrade your router if its older than a year. It's free and they wont do it unless you ask them. I'll have to check out Pulse TV. I'm hoping to watch some NFL games.
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