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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. I hope there more organized and not packed like sardines. The Sinopharm and Pfeizer vaccine deployment was so organized in Khon Karen. Another reason to have the private hospitals involved.
  2. Its useful if others maybe watching Netflix and want to go somewhere else and want to bring your phone. It' also covers a wider area and can handle more devices. Depending on the model 4 to 8 devices without a dropped signal. This is ideal without dedicated service like the poster stated. But if your living alone the Hot Spot on your phone is another good option. Also great when you're traveling and hotels with crappy WiFi. It's just down to your situation. For me I'd pay up to 15,000 baht to have cable to ran to my house. I need WiFi. Especially being at home more during the pandemic.
  3. Desperate for vaccines, especially any without the "Red Star" emblem and low efficiency rates. Why play these political games while lives are in the balance. Hopefully he can arrange to get this offer.
  4. We use that when we travel. Works during power outages. You'll need to purchase the Pocket WiFi. Get the one with the most available connections. There about 3-4 thousand baht. How far are you from the road to connect the cable? Might be worth the investment. If you do get the Cable at least your whole house will have better WiFi than those little pockets. We're very happy with True. Talk with them and inqire about extending the fiber optic cable to your house. Good luck!
  5. So they were 21,00 people short of there goal for testing. Thats roughly a 19% infection rate. That's probably why they stopped (were ordered) to stop testing.
  6. I like that milk also. Its sometimes harder to find in my parts of Issan.
  7. I'm going to try Meiji next time. Seems to be popular.
  8. Thats my preferred brand. The other brands taste as they've added sugar. I get my milk at 7/11. It's usually fresher than Big C or Tesco. Milk is kinda pricey here. I guess not many cows.
  9. They've already been doing that for years. Ive always found better deals and accomodations at international hotel chains. They seem more grounded in reality.
  10. His department is run like the sloppy loathsome man he is. Reports of Moderna having trouble contacting the Thai government over delays also.
  11. I didn't know LA made ebikes. Nice to know. We've bought a few over the years of there regular bicycles and there surprisingly good quality considering there made here.
  12. Pfeizer was provided by the United States.
  13. No online school for our daughter. My wife is very happy! Never much notice.
  14. I don't think 70% is a safe number in regards to vaccination rates. Especially with the main vaccines being the low effecieny ones from China. One of the more important things being the number of hospital beds. Proper beds in a hospital for cases besides COVID-19. Big problem in Phuket, close to critical. I guess you have to open someday though. It's disappointing that the government just doesn't commit to a realistic number of mRNA vaccines, say 70 million to start with.
  15. May have been Yaba or Ice. Why go into a deserted Chinese graveyard in the middle of the night?
  16. Feels like it when the cousins come over for a swim.
  17. I feel the same way getting pfeizer but my wife, who does 90% of the child care is still waiting for Moderna to arrive. There vaccination priorities are all over the board. Unless your in the upper echelons of the government your screwed.
  18. I don't think so. Its all talk. The people vaccinated just 6 months ago with Sinovac already need boosters. Putting more pressure on supplies. There not commited to aquiring large amounts of quality mRNA vaccines in one go. Its drips and drabs. Once quality vaccines do arrive there squirreled away for prominent people or just a few "important" provinces. Most Thai people don't want anything to do with Sinovac.
  19. Thats great! Indians and Russians spreading the wealth. 7/11's should see a rise in alcohol sales.
  20. More good publicity. I'm no drinker but I like to see the tourists enjoying themselves. The "Sandbox" is a failure no matter how you look at it.
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