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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. I agree! Problem you need to be vaccinated and its difficult to get up in Issan. Not talking about Chinese vaccines. I'm getting Pfeizer this weekend but my wife will have to wait until Moderna arrives in October. Like many Thais, she doesn't want Sinovac or Sinopharm. What's a holiday without going out for a nice dinner. If vaccine's are mandatory you need to vaccinate married couples. I don't want to dine alone.
  2. They still have large foreign cash reserves. If that begins to dwindle down then will see the effects on the baht.
  3. I remember them blaming That's kinda for the floods way back in 2011. If that happens I wonder who'll they'll blame. Heres a little recap of the horrendous flooding in 2011. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Thailand_floods
  4. I don't blame them. Completely ruin your way of life so someone can dump toxic trash around your village. Third world thinking for a first world problem. Ship it to India.
  5. Lucky girl. Its so important to teach your children how to swim.
  6. They need people with a background in security to make these apps. Professionals. Doing things always on the cheap will ultimately cost you more in the long run. Stop getting some generals kids to make these important apps.
  7. "Clinical trial data suggested decreased effectiveness would occur several months after full vaccination, but our findings indicate that confronted by the delta variant, vaccine effectiveness for mildly symptomatic disease was considerably lower and waned six to eight months after completing vaccination." https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210901/Experts-show-waning-effectiveness-of-COVID-19-vaccines-over-time.aspx Antibodies from Sinovac's COVID-19 shot fade after about 6 months, booster helps - study. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/antibodies-sinovacs-covid-19-shot-fade-after-about-6-months-booster-helps-study-2021-07-26/
  8. You should be running the pump 8 hours a day day minimum. "Overall, the lessons learned today is you should run your pool pump an average 8 hours a day" https://challengerpools.com/pool-care/how-long-should-i-run-my-pool-pump-every-day/ Why do you need to regrout your pool every 5 years? Theres grout made especially for pools. You also should have used tiles made especially for pools. They also have a Low absorption rate. No need to pay someone. Our pool uses an automatic salt chlorinator system. Everything is on timers. We have hybred pool robot that cleans the pool, when needed. I also use an imported variable speed pool pump thats can save up to 60% on electricity. There around 45,000 baht if you buy here in Thailand but cheaper on Alibaba. "replacing an old, single-speed pump with an Energy Star rated, variable speed pump is your best option for energy savings. They can be quite pricey upfront, but the cash saved on energy costs will quickly cover the investment." https://www.forbes.com/advisor/home-improvement/ask-the-contractor-pool-maintenance/ I agree. it's great having a pool.
  9. Huh? Moderna isn't free. The Pfeizer I'm getting is free because the USA donated it.
  10. Its free. If you lived in Thailand you may have heard about it.
  11. Ali baba. I've imported expensive pool tile because its so much cheaper than Thailand despite the shipping costs. They use multiple shipper's to help alleviate much of the customs tax otherwise I would have paid. I imagine most of the confiscated or unpaid packages is split up between the Thai custom agents.
  12. I doubt it. There is to many people involved. Its like a house of cards, but instead of falling they just get a new deck.
  13. The Washington Post: Brazil suspends use of millions of doses of China's Sinovac coronavirus vaccine. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/09/06/brazil-coronavirus-vaccine-vaccination-rollout-sinovac/
  14. @Sakon. I'll have to take a look when I'm in the "City". Its still a 90 kilometers drive. We're right on the border of Beung Khan. It'll be different when they've completed the bridge to Laos. So much road work as you head North! Exciting. Enjoy your weekend.
  15. I love visiting Pattaya. Great restaurants and shopping. Despite COVID-19 my wife stayed a week in the Hilton. Grand time. Rent a motorcycle and cruise around. Wonderful.
  16. We built a pool. Beautiful infinity one with elephant fountains. We definitely use it but not as much as I thought we would. Definitely nice to relax in our backyard its like a resort. Our kids and the cousins use it a few times a week. It costs at least an extra 2000 baht a month or more to run properly. My wifes been in it twice.
  17. Probably. A lot more security though and power. Give and take. To bad computers in Thailand are so expensive and lag years behind the USA.
  18. I wouldn't take it personally.
  19. They don't. Thats why I insist on using anyone but DHL. You'll find threads about unhappy customers with DHL. Its quite easy to request other shipper's especially when you purchase thousands of dollars of merchandise each month.
  20. Talk of the town. The village next door is in lockdown. There finally beginning to vaccinate people here. Extremely poor province Sakon Nakhon. It won't take much to get out of control. We're just playing it safe at home. I'm more worried about my wife who really does 95% of the child care. I can't have her sick.
  21. Windows 11 will need some serious hardware. I've been using with the "Insider Windows program". I like it. In the end I don't think my laptop will be enough despite buying it for 1900.00 2 years ago. Funny thing I think my new smartphone is more powerful than that laptop. "Older hardware is less likely to pass Windows 11's stringent compatibility checks; Intel 7th Generation Core processors, for example, are not on the list of compatible CPUs, nor are PCs built using AMD Zen 1 processors. PCs purchased in 2016 or earlier are almost certain to be unsupported." https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-11-faq-heres-everything-you-need-to-know/ I Think its releasing next month.
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