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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Interesting,they usually don't identify the business where the crimes/suicides take place.
  2. Fortunately enough to not be hospitalized. I've got a family so following the science and getting everyone vaccinated was the only sane option. Luckily Thailand hasnt so many dimwitted conspiracy theorists spreading lies and misinformation like other countries! I'd guess your probably overweight and older, prime candidate to get vaccinated.
  3. Excellent for making kitchen counters! Quartz is harder than granite.
  4. They'll never have enough water unless they build resavoir/storage facility on the mainland with a an underwater dual pipe system feeding storage tanks on the island. It'll pay for itself with the added tourism. More importantly they need to haul off the garbage piling up at the open air garbage dump. It's going to eventually poison the underground water supply.
  5. Deadly pandemics are hilarious. Whatever cult your currently in definitely has you whacked out.
  6. The government should be offering better options for getting updated vaccines,especially for the people working in the health field. Thailand's initial roll out of any vaccines was hampered by Anutins horrible tenure as health minister. Thailand's economy was devastated. "The slow vaccine rollout is also hampering Thailand's economic recovery. Public disaffection with the Prayuth regime is aggravating hesitancy about the Sinovac COVID vaccine. Many Thais say they do not trust the effectiveness of the vaccines procured by the government." https://www.dw.com/en/thailand-growing-covid-crisis-heats-up-political-tension/a-58831927
  7. The third time we had it was the worst. Always starts with a terrible headache and extreme tiredness. Much harder since we've got kids and elderly relatives to worry about. Inevitable that many people will get it again as it's so contagious and school season is in full swing.
  8. It's natural to keep the public updated on deadly viruses. You're the only one who is "fearful". Get a backbone.
  9. I don't know of anyone that has "fear' of it. Getting sick with any virus sucks, getting COVID or infleluenza for some is fatal or dehabilitating. Precautions ate warranted.
  10. Uh oh! Any mention of any potentially deadly virus outbreak brings out the Q-anon conspiracy theorists. Ugh!
  11. "Fact-checking Dr. John Campbell's COVID-19 advice and alternatives for accurate information" https://eightify.app/media/fact-checking-dr-john-campbell-s-covid-19-advice-and-alterna#dr-john-campbells-advice-a-critical-review
  12. That YouTuber isnt a doctor. You might as well be getting you're information on viral vaccines from a salami salesman. You're such a lamb.
  13. Let's agree to disagree. Unfortunately for the people who want an updated vaccine it's very difficult and expensive to find in Thailand.
  14. It's been debunked. Perhaps look it up on Google. You've got a long history with supporting debunked conspiracy theories
  15. Frank, mRNA vaccines have been around and researched for over 50 years It's not new. That's the problem burying yourself with conspiracy theories and false profits. Such a waist of time. Follow science and fact rather than some charletons. "The Long History of mRNA Vaccines" https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-long-history-of-mrna-vaccines
  16. "Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines did have clinical trials" By Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2A22CD/
  17. "Fact Check: No evidence to link UK excess Deaths to Covid-19 vaccines" https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/no-evidence-link-uk-excess-deaths-covid-19-vaccines-2024-02-06/ Perhaps stop getting you're information from your hairdresser and rely on a reputable source. Just a little advice before looking like a chump.
  18. Safe and effective. Saved millions of lives. Hopefully you never have kids! You'll be denying them important vaccines like measles,polio,DTaP. With your odd beliefs rooted in gossip and unscientific conspiracy theories. One has to wonder where you got disconnected with reality?
  19. Uh, you? I have to laugh at you conspiracy nutcases. Dime a dozen.
  20. Whatever. Hopefully your misinformation doesn't hurt the one you are closest to. Unfortunately conspiracy theorist spiral out of control and lose everything. Perhaps your time would be better spent researching scientific studies than gathering information from "truth Social" and reruns of "Alex Jones podcasts".
  21. Some people never learn. Another token clown following conspiracy theories.
  22. Hopefully the convicted rapist,fraudster,and diaper wearing orange idiot gets the birdflu and croaks What would all those uneducated clowns do who follow him do? Find another clown to follow indeed. What we need is a vaccine for these uneducated ignorant junkies!
  23. I imagine the usual paranoid anti vax idiots will be spouting there usual conspiracy theories once again. Ugh,total ignorant mob mentality.
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