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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. In my experience you buy the bottle, get 3 bottles of soda, ice for around 900-1200 baht for the cheap stuff. I've been able to take it home if there was any left. They'll cap it and put it in a bag for you.
  2. While anything is better than the RTP, Chinese police aren't the answer. The concept is complete lunacy. Once there here they'll never leave.
  3. Thailand Newspapers and media are already heavily censored. These days though you can find all the news on the internet.
  4. Breathalyzers cost money, it"LL never happen. They need to be calibrated every few uses also. Conservative think tank stupidity.
  5. His reign as Health Minister could only be described as a cluster F*"k. Disgraceful.
  6. He won't have a problem. Fortunately, if there uncomfortable they can easily move elsewhere more accommodating. It's easy in Thailand.
  7. It'll increase traffic on 3rd road. Eventually promoting more bars and restaurants. Nothing wrong with that. I remember Soi Bhukauw being a dirt road with some nice houses along the route.
  8. Big deal. It'll probably be the only thing that made the picture interesting in a few years.
  9. Sounds good. Personally I drink coffee in 10 oz portions throughout the day so instant or ground coffee is cheaper for my. Pods are definitely worth a look at though. In the US Id get my podsby the case at COSTCO, I remember those were cheap!
  10. Those pods are extremely over priced. I've used the Nespresso pod machines at resorts and tend to be finicky to say the least. I always end up just using the hot water kettle and making instant. When I wake up I want my coffee now. At home we have a fancy coffee machine that automatically grounds the beans and gives you all sorts of options on a digital screen. Brilliant, but overkill since I'm the only person drinking coffee.
  11. Troypoint. Com had an article about some work-arounds for adds on YouTube: Installation on a fire stick or Android Box: https://troypoint.com/smarttube/
  12. https://vpn.nsspirt-cashf2.com/the-cheapest-countries-for-youtube-premium/
  13. Any position in goverment will cost you. Having a good education or qualifications has nothing to do with hiring, unfortunately.
  14. 400 BB guns were siezed in Bangkok yesterday according to the Bangkok Post. I know water guns are ok.
  15. I always (if I remember) to ask for M-stamps. They'll put it on your account by punching in your cell number and you can claim for some very cheap/cheasy prizes like coolers or beach chairs when you accumalate enough points. .... I forgo the option of stamps because I always lose or misplace them.
  16. Nobody is fearful. It's normal to report on a virus that has caused so many deaths. Perhaps if it bothers you read a comic book or something else that hasn't news of the world.
  17. Seems that way. However I've got 5 accounts. The kids, mom, Yai, etc. Eventually an account gets a promotion code. I've got one account with an add blocker. Ill see if I get a warning this evening.
  18. I can't see Thailand completing high speed railway for another decade at the minimum.
  19. Same. Actually doesn't bother me to much. I'm offered 3 months of free premium YouTube every 3 or 4 months. Anyways I enjoy YouTube more than any other media available. I had Netflix but I never used it.
  20. .....Or watch YouTube on a TV.
  21. Unfortunately, many Thai's can't swim. Laughing during the tragic incident, indefensible.
  22. Madness to buy a condo in the center of Pattaya. Majority of those condos are for short term rentals to people who are visiting Pattaya to party, not to visit temples a or meditate on the beach.
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