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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. For the first time,your correct. Once established it's 18,000. Certainly different agents charge different prices In any event it's the way to go if you're unable to come up with 800,000 baht deposit. It's a good idea to have an account in any case and well worth the 4,500 or whatever your particular agent charges.
  2. I was thinking how damned fast time flys by last night
  3. Just use an agent. For around 18,000 baht they'll get you a retirement visa and a bank account.
  4. Many older people still have the radios to listen to the radio stations. Hopefully they'll adapt and spring for WiFi. Probably cheaper than buying size "D" batteries every week to keep there radios working.
  5. Crazy! Someone did that to our golden retriever in the village. It took weeks of cleaning and antibiotics to make sure there wasn't an infection. Sick mother <deleted>.
  6. Luckily he didn't hit someone having a leisurely stroll. My experiens staying at the Pattaya Hilton is it has very high railings. It would be hard to accidently fall. 33rd floor is the top floor, just below the Horizons restaurant. That's not including the 6 floors the Hilton sits atop Central Mall.
  7. That'll deter the few foriegn companies planning on opening or doing business within Thailand. "Many economists have blamed low investments both by the public and private sectors in the post-1997 Asian financial crisis as being responsible for the long period of sluggish economic growth." https://www.thaipbsworld.com/has-thailand-become-the-sick-man-of-asean/ Years of bad governance will eventually be the downfall of these corrupt successive governments.
  8. How extraordinary. Have the party with the most votes in Thailand's history take the helm of the country. Never happen.
  9. If there's millions of baht to be made they'll be first in line.
  10. Perhaps replace it with a 7/11. Great location!
  11. Sounds like a good school. If my daughter was sexually assaulted at school Id would make sure the offending boys were be expelled at the very least. What a nightmare for any father. Some of these "private" schools are just money making machines for the owners and the children's safety and education isn't really any concern.
  12. Plentiful at any private hospital. I paid 800 baht at Bangkok Hospital. Bangkok Hospital +66 2 310 3000 https://search.app.goo.gl/R1d6gHU Call and ask for international for English speaking assistant for details.
  13. They have seeds on Lazada. I put some behind our pool (transplants). They grow so fast! Great for shade or hanging a hammok. I bought them from some nursery in town. They transported them and used a crane to put them in a holes we dug. I think it was about 1,500 per plant with delivery. They were about 3-4 meters tall already.
  14. No, there very rude people like yourself everywhere. I bet you're ex-friend is fed up with you. There's not many places probably for him to go, now there's one less place. There's certain ways to approach a problem like that,it sounds as if you didn't do it nicely.
  15. Any area with a station will see property price increases.
  16. You don't know what you're talking about. Only a moron would buy a 4 year old phone. Stick with you're desktop and Nokia from another era. Next you'll be recommending fax machines and pagers.
  17. That's usually when tourist wear impractical clothing at temples,not for murder.
  18. They only have high end phones and laptops. I think it's more of a space saving thing along with ease of travel. If I had the space Id love to have a top of the line desktop. Be great for the kids and school projects.
  19. Nothing wrong with using a desktop. I know it's popular with the older generation. Have you ever tried a laptop, much easier to lug around than a desktop if you ever decide to travel.
  20. Ports? You should be doing everything wirelessly. I barely even bother with my laptop. My Samsung Ultra 24 is more powerful than most PC's and with the Dex app you can use it on any big screen TV. Your phone is the keyboard and my 82" inch Samsung TV is the moniter. Kind of the same argument when VCR/cassette tape owners still wouldn't adopt CD's and DVD's.
  21. Russians, at the Pullman in Pattaya (Naklua). 10 in a row.,5 in a row,etc at 7:00 am. Not a soul there. They don't show up untill after 12:00. Haven't stayed there since. To many Russians for my sanity.
  22. He sounds nice enough. Over 9,000 posts would be labor intensive on a cell phone indeed.
  23. I don't know a soul, except companies or elderly who still use a desktop. However, if that's what you enjoy, more power to you. Perhaps have a friend show you there laptop. You'll see how much more convienant it is than an antiquated desktop.
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