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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Desktop sales have been falling for years as people use laptops or high end cell phones. Both are more capable and convienant than your average grandma style desktop taking up space. "Total shipments of desktops and notebooks rose to 65.3 million units. Shipments of notebooks hit 51.6 million units, up 4% from 2022, while desktop shipments landed at 13.7 million units, declining 1%. For the full year 2023, PC shipments totaled 247 million units, marking a 13% drop compared to 2022." Jan 10, 2024 https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/01-10-2024-gartner-says-worldwide-pc-shipments-increased-zero-point-three-percent-in-fourth-quarter-of-2023-but-declined-fourteen-point-eight-percent-for-the-year#:~:text=Annual Overview%3A PC Market Collapses,2022 (see Table 3).
  2. Not as bad as putting towels on prime seats/loungers by the pool at 7:00 in the morning. Reserving a seat at a food court sounds like a good idea. Looking for an empty table with a family loaded with food trays sounds like a hassle. I usually sit down and reserve the table while the wife and kids get all the food sorted. Luckily you were dining alone. Funny comment on saying, "oh, you forgot your bag, here you are".
  3. Sounds like a cyst, extremely painful in that area. I had that once and it became so painful that I had to go to emergency to have it lanced,drained,and stitched up. In that area you have to worry about sepsis or other infection. Perhaps get another opinion and price quote. 100,000 baht is definitely high IMO. Good luck and hopefully the cream improves you situation.
  4. Sounds like a cyst, extremely painful in that area. I had that once and it became so painful that I had to go to emergency to have it lanced,drained,and stitched up. In that area you have to worry about sepsis or other infection. Good luck and hopefully the cream improves you situation.
  5. "fleeing Windows-11...for Linux Desktop? Now!" Honestly I doubt many people use desktops anymore. Even sleek laptops are being replaced with smart phones that can do anything a desktop or laptop can do.
  6. That's good the left the useless and carcinogenic leaves for the masses and the "buds" left for the government mafia to profit from. Typical Thai leadership or lack of.
  7. Get a well,pump it into a 2000 liter or more tank. Before the large 2000 tank,have it filtered for sediment and then run through UV filter. Tank water should be ok. Have it pumped directly to your house. I'd just get bottled water for drinking. At least they chlorinate your water in Bangkok. Most everywhere else it's just directly pumped from the river or retention pond which are filthy. Dog,human,buffalo <deleted>,etc. we use the city water in Issan for watering the garden and treated well water for showering,toilet,dishes. Drinking and cooking is strictly bottled water.
  8. The best thing would be to ban all Russians. Dirtbags!
  9. Definitely going to be a problem with virtually no way of getting updated boosters for the last two years. Many vaccine doubters here, but for the people who follow the science and not loony conspiracy theories, a choice of getting vaccinated would be a nice option. Thailand makes it very difficult for private hospitals to aquire Covid vaccines/boosters. They have to go through the governments pharmacutical agency which takes a hefty cut.
  10. I don't think they do. A lot of people come to Thailand thinking it's cheap and easy going. They don't last long. I wonder what type of Visa they'll expect to get? That's another hurdle.
  11. That's important,especially for a couple raising a family!
  12. They'll love Chang Mai's zero policy on burning and pollution.
  13. They'// be shocked once they realize how expensive it actually is,especially if you have young children. However, it's still a great place even if you struggle to make ends meet.
  14. Definitely just the competition complaining.
  15. Why not just get cremated in Thailand? He certainly loved the place.
  16. Most of the current members of government are the same bad actors from the previous junta. In regards to the Senate,there all unelected stooges who will supposedly be out of highly paid and lucrative jobs in a few months. Truly horrible governance that Thailand has grown accustomed to.
  17. Sorry George, You were right. Wife just set me straight on True Wallet for 7/11.
  18. It's definitely not getting better with time. I really enjoy Chiang Mai for short visits with the family when the air is better. Great food,shopping,nightlife,hotels,etc. I'm in Issan, and it can be really bad or worse than Chiang Mai. It's part and parcel of living in Asia.
  19. Yes. Wife just admonished me. Truewallet only. No prompt pay.
  20. My wife just corrected me. TrueWallet only at 7/11. Wife said I have to sign up at a True Shop.
  21. You'd have to ask Putin. Trumps licking his ass everyday.
  22. Well millions of Thais and falangs use there QR scanners to pay for items at 7/11 and forward thinking laundromats everyday. Are you sure your in Thailand? Your best bet is get a friend or 7/11 staffer to assist you. Perhaps True Wallet is attached to all banking apps? Good luck!
  23. Trumpets, always crying and whining about how there victimized. It's getting old!
  24. I just use my Bangkok Bank app. It's got a QR scanner button. It takes seconds. If you have a Thai bank account you can do the same. 7-11 also has its dedicated app in which you can add any bank card to use the QR code function. Why don't you just ask your bank or 7-11 staffer to get it sorted out. My wife showed me how just last month. Before then I was as clueless as you.
  25. "These surveys collect presidential rankings from historians, political scientists, and presidential scholars in a range of attributes, abilities, and accomplishments." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_presidents_of_the_United_States#:~:text=Most surveys of the early,up to the Civil War. Don't get all your info from Faux new and the "Pillow guy". He's a complete fraud, as proven in numerous court cases. He's got you fooled.
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