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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. That's right...but of course there are inaccuracies in her version, there have to be in order to juice up an otherwise not very interesting, nor lucrative. story.
  2. So you have been there? What was the charge and how long were you in prison? If I may ask. He is correct on some of what he is saying TG-- I am 100% correct on all that I have posted about Klong Prem, the place that housed the section where she was jailed. I was in there.
  3. Yes, I was in Klong Prem. I do not need to explain the specifics. You seem to think that jail records and police cell incarcerations/court appearances (I also spent a few weeks in Lumpini police cells in separate circumstances) preclude the provision of visas/extentions; as I posted earlier, I still live in Thailand, legally.
  4. Such self-aggrandising personifications of perfection.
  5. No you don't know that at all...oils and additives do not produce the black smoke that you have no idea whether that pickup produced. Neither is there any evidence that the vehicle was chipped, nor that the owner is a moron. On the other hand, your comment doesn't do you any intellectual favours.
  6. It's in the OP where he was mentioned and his comments were reported.
  7. Why would that be when incidents such as these do not happen to the majority of Thais?
  8. I find that hard to believe - are you still in Thailand as a regular Expat or do you just visit? You can believe whatever you like, I don't care. Yes, I still live in Thailand.
  9. So you have been there? What was the charge and how long were you in prison? If I may ask. Yes, I have. Yes, you may ask but that is my business.
  10. No, paying at 7-11 is not possible. If you choose the QR option, the payment comes from your bank app that scans the QR code, as per the details that Lazada provides for that option before you pay.
  11. So what was it, "a trough of cold water" or a shower facility? "You had to strip naked...". Garbage. Nudity is not permitted in Thai prisons, even in the showers of Klong Prem, where she was housed...prisoners shower in their underwear. She's just a lying, bogan, failed heroin trafficker.
  12. If you're going on "a book and videos", you know nothing about the conditions of Klong Prem, the facility that also houses the women's prison. Without exception, all of them comprise over-dramatic exaggerations and lies with the only intentions being to create agitation and as much money as possible for the authors or producers.
  13. In Thailand she got three meals a day and a tuck shop, also.
  14. So what did she use????? She is probably exaggerating but means that she was embarrassed to have a bowel movement without privacy.
  15. Wasn’t there a law made where if there was above a certain number of condos in a building they could only charge government rates albeit I doubt it’s ever enforced ? As you know, condos and apartments are not the same things although many people, wrongly, refer to their apartments as condos. I don't know about that law you reference but condos (not apartments) are billed direct to the individual condo owners from the MEA or PEA, whereas apartments are generally billed to their tenants from the juristic office based on their contracted unit rate.
  16. Most apartments will charge their own rate, most condos, having private owners, will get government rated bills direct from the MEA/PEA.
  17. What heating costs are there to save on in hot countries?
  18. No, you weren't - unless you were being heavily ripped-off on the charge per unit or it was an industrial freezer/fridge.
  19. Because he is. None, but it emphasises the communication difficulties .
  20. Why? Perhaps it was stolen, as the report very clearly stated.
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