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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Why do you believe that...did someone tell you or is that just an ANPMU 'stat'?
  2. is that correct?i don't have any experience of thai prisons, i do of UK ones Yes, three meals are provided each day, 7am-ish, 11.15-ish and 2pm-ish and there is a shop from which inmates can buy essentials like soap, toothpaste, food items, canned goods, fruit, coffee, juice, bread, marg, jam, pot/cup meals and hot water and such like. There is also a more comprehensive shop on the visitors side, items from which can be sent in to prisoners bought by their visitors.
  3. And you of course know that from extensive personal experience Indeed, I do.
  4. I think you were a lawyer, visiting inmates . Correct?. Incorrect. I was a prison visitor (not a lawyer), more relevantly and more recently, I was an inmate.
  5. A product of your imagination? If not, please explain your detailed insights to life behind bars in Thailand. No, a product of my personal experience as both a visitor and an inmate, I've been in there, that is the only insight that is needed...and I'm not selling a story.
  6. And what is the evidence to support YOUR claim and statements? You're an expert because . . . ? Because of personal experience in Klong Prem, I've been in there and I'm not selling a book!
  7. have you ever mistaken the gas for the brake lou ? No, but neither am I crowing on a forum about how perfect my driving is!
  8. What business is it of yours what I was charged with that put me in Klong Prem? That is my personal business and how would your knowing the charge put you in a position to establish the veracity of my posts? You did not "catch me out", at all, there was nothing to "catch me out" about and, yes, I do still live in Thailand.
  9. "One doesn't have to exaggerate the horrors of Thai prisons!!!" So why, without exception, do they always do so? Thai prisons, like all prisons, are not the kind of places anyone would want to spend any time but "the horrors" are only "widely known" as a result of reading exaggerated or completely fabricated accounts of what happens inside. Just because an ex-prisoner writes a sensationalist book for money doesn't make it a work of non-fiction.
  10. If you can't be kind be silent. "If you can't be kind be silent", ironically, also applies to your comment admonishing him! And yours for admonishing him admonishing him... and now mine for admonishing you admonishing him admonishing him !!... My comment was not an admonishment, it was an observation, that's all, just as yours was not an admonishment of mine.
  11. "Then my next assumption is you are BS..." Yet another wrong assumption. Making assumptions without anything to back them up is what is actual "BS". "...as far as we all know..." That's where you're going wrong, you're assuming (again!) that your lack of information somehow makes you knowledgeable on the subject. "you claim to have been inside that prison as a prisoner. Why were you not deported ??" It is not "a claim", it is a fact. Not everyone is deported on release from Klong Prem. "...so please elaborate..." Who are you? Why should I provide specifics of my case on the internet to an anonymous stranger that could compromise my anonymity here. Post a photo of you showing your passport details and I might.
  12. I was thinking maybe that - or maybe he worked for an Embassy and did jail visits to their citizens. Neither. I did make visits to prisoners, though, anyone can do that. Embassy staff do not make visits to their citizens as part of their regular schedules, they only do it on the prisoner's first few days and that is the last time they will be seen unless they need to speak to the prisoner or deliver something to him...they are not social workers.
  13. Thanks - that is probably the case. It is the case in IDC, the Immigration jail. Klong Prem is not IDC.
  14. There have never been any "four-man cells" in Klong Prem, all accommodation is multi-person communal (except punishment cells), typically 20-30 locked up each evening.
  15. If you can't be kind be silent. "If you can't be kind be silent", ironically, also applies to your comment admonishing him!
  16. A number of farang volunteer with Charity organizations that do prison visits. not saying it’s the case here, but it exists Ironically, before my time in there, I did make prison visits, but not as part of any charity or other organisation.
  17. IDC (with mandatory deportation) and Klong Prem are entirely different things.
  18. yes ... he wore a wig You must have been there to know that.
  19. Was that the women's prison ,Lou .... Obviously, not, but the men's and the women's sections are both part of the same Klong Prem prison.
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