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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Sugar is soluble in ethanol, 0.9 gm/ 100 mL. Ethanol is present in most petrol brands. It is also highly soluble in the trace amounts of water present in straight hydrocarbon fuels. 200 gm/100 mL. Science is obviously not a strong point of yours. Edited 1 minute ago by Lacessit "Science is obviously not a strong point of yours". Nor yours. Sugar is not soluble in petrol and, even if it was, fuel tanks have sock filters in addition to inline fuel filters. Sugar in petrol tanks causing engine destruction is an urban myth, you don't think that filler hoses go directly, vertically into fuel tanks allowing sugar to get into the tank, do you?
  2. The rider deliberately changed lanes (whilst being very close) to get immediately in front of the car and then stopped dead, deliberately, right in front of the car. That caused the car to, unavoidably, hit the bike. My guess is that the bike rider is a prick and was ultimately at fault here.
  3. No, that was not the order of events, nor was that reported. Sense? Sense has nothing to do with some posters comments.
  4. Maybe Naewna should learn the law before making false claims, since foreigners are allowed to own and register guns. Maybe you should read your own link before posting false information from a 13-year old article. Foreigners are currently not allowed to own, possess, carry, use, or whatever, firearms.
  5. You mean "deported"? Foreigners can be extradited, any nationality can be extradited if the country from which extradition is being requested country agrees.
  6. No, it is not a grey area...foreigners are not permitted to own firearms in Thailand.
  7. Foreigners are not permitted to own firearms and registering/licencing them is not possible, regardless of the intended purpose. If it was permitted for target shooting every foreigner who just wanted a gun would suddenly take up target shooting as a hobby!
  8. Foreigners used to be able to obtain gun licences but the regulations were changed to forbid it a few years ago.
  9. Embassies are not there to defend the illegal actions of their nationals. Nor do they deport their nationals, the Thai authorities do that.
  10. Why would the house that he rents be "taken away"? Why would his other possessions including money be confiscated? Sure is some nonsense posted here.
  11. Why? Just an old urban myth, sugar isn't soluble in petrol.
  12. I took you off ignore to see what you were saying. A series of troll posts from someone who is unusually determined to provoke, back you go. So you saw that I was giving you a tip on how to get the rental quotes that you were looking for and you see that as provocation of something? Unusually odd. "...back you go". You do know that putting members on your ignore list has no effect, whatsoever, on anyone but you, yes, and that a pointless announcement of "Back you go" as though you're a school master admonishing a child actually isn't, in reality, an instruction or punishment?
  13. The website wants me to fill out my personal information first. I cannot see anywhere that it quotes tariffs. No, it doesn't. All you have to do to get a quote and vehicle choice is to indicate your pick up point and the rental dates. Teslas and 5 Series are available if they would meet your high standards.
  14. But your accusative posts regarding their "lax security" suggest that you think that you are an expert having already determined that the company is at fault.
  15. You have no evidence that the car rental company's security is lax.
  16. And risk being charged with criminal damage...yes, brilliant idea.
  17. Didn't he reserve a car for you or did you just donate $100 to him?
  18. How could there be a second incident caused, allegedly, by that company, if you have a new card? Are you making further transaction with the new card?
  19. It will cost him the loss of that business and could be seen as an admission of the company being in the wrong. You have the booking that you made, it will cost you nothing to keep the booking.
  20. Why? What has he, or his company, been proved to have done?
  21. He didn't beat up his own wife, what's wrong with you, try reading the articles.
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