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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Number one reply that needs to be treated with the contempt that it deserves.
  2. Yes alright, you win, arguer of the year prize! Go nitpick other posts Making accurate observations and being able to read doesn't make me a "nit picker". Accusing me of being one in response to your being correctly called out for your false statements is daft.
  3. Being deported does not necessarily mean that he is banned from re-entering or applying for a new visa.
  4. How do you know what his finances are about and why do you care? I know what he made available to be published in he media and that is what I based my comment on...if he was lying, then he's a liar, fine. I didn't say that I cared about his finances, I don't, I simply made an observation on his own words.
  5. Such complete nonsense. Trump was not accused of, or prosecuted for, never mind convicted of, insurrection (media craziness excluded because it doesn't count).
  6. Which hospitals, restaurants and national parks do not provide service to foreigners, which would be the only thing that would be a "similar policy" to that of the OP?
  7. Don't suppose you've got anything to back up that accusation, have you? Urban myth doesn't count.
  8. You think her not calling an ambulance and leaving him to die in a pool of blood was an accident? You think she didn't notice her windscreen was completely shattered? None of that makes the collision with the cyclist deliberate, therefore, it was an accident.
  9. Do you have a link for that? Did he have to provide a link for his own "attempted murder" (hit-and-run) OP?
  10. He could not afford to live independently in England when he had a job but he can afford to live in Thailand, apparently without any means of support, just three years out of his minimum-wage teenage years!? Suspect the OP hasn't reported the full story.
  11. It has now been decided that his visa will no longer be renewed so he will have to leave in a few days. No, it has not as of today, 6th March, but in case I have missed it, you'll be able to state by whom, and quoted officially where? AN posters' opinions aren't official and "maybes" aren't confirmation.
  12. I meant only in the context of remaining with her husband. I did include the phrase 'or her husband'. You should read the whole posts and not selectively cut parts off when quoting. You should read what you wrote and what it means to a reader. You actually posted this: "...and now she has to also leave Thailand, or her husband" (in full, for your clarification), which, very clearly, suggests an alternative to her being compelled to leave, not an accompaniment to him. You may not meant to have posted that, but you did.
  13. When was it confirmed that he was leaving?
  14. Trials in absentia can only proceed against politicians.
  15. What's that contradiction supposed to mean?
  16. It does not rule out having a financial interest in any business.
  17. There are no trials in absentia in Thailand for non-political cases.
  18. "UPDATE: Swiss man’s visa revoked" Where has that been reported as having happened? Certainly nowhere in the OP.
  19. Complete scaremongering nonsense.
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