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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. He didn't need to edit, he assumed posters could read. He mentioned a Mitsubishi pickup in his OP, provided a link to that pickup and specifies 4WD...then he followed up with a video comparing two pickups!
  2. Every indication is that he wants a pickup,
  3. Maybe you shared a room It's your prerogative to think about that, if it gives you pleasure...enjoy the polishing.
  4. He meant you, because of your comment regarding curtain twitchers. Deluded lad, one of those who mistakenly thinks I am a Scouser.
  5. The car has (had) to have been owned/registered in her name for at least 18 months before she moves back to Thailand. If the car is imported in her name, under a declaration that she is moving back to Thailand to live, and it then turns out that is false and that a foreigner is the full time possessor/driver of the car after she returned to her family overseas that would be an illegal import and the risk would be that the car would be confiscated and you may be prosecuted. Having said that, I'm sure that legislation was introduced a few years ago to ban the personal import of all used vehicles.
  6. Agreed, and they have to have owned the vehicle overseas for a minimum of 18 months.
  7. Lots of hotels in Bangkok offer such a service How many employ foreigners as drivers?
  8. Was he just a security guard or did he run his own security business and how long did it take him to get to the position of B1m per month rent? Has it been suggested that it was a dodgy overnight elevation or did he work, successfully, for some time to get wealthy? Is his family wealthy?
  9. Do you not think that after authorities have got involved and prevented his visa from being renewed there will not also be some sort of persona non grata status and a note (digitally) attached to his immigration record such that any future visa application or entry attempt is met with a road-block ??? I'd agree that is a possibility but it also just as possible that banning will not happen and so far no one has been threatened with, or actually deported, as that other poster claimed.
  10. If the Governor of Phuket is involved and it has also been brought to the attention of the powers that be in Bangkok and also voiced their displeasure, as well as the DSI now involved, it is fairly obvious. They are proceeding to go to the court to revoke the foundation licence, I cannot see a local judge going against the Governor. I don't think it is much of a stretch when they have already stated that he is a danger to the peace and stability of the nation, that he will be deported and blacklisted after his current court cases have been heard and dealt with. So, as I said, no Swiss people have been deported, nor threatened with deportation as the poster to whom I responded suggested was the case. I think that it is a stretch to suggest that a person who has been advised that his visa will not be renewed is to be deported, if deportation was on the cards he would have been advised of that. If his criminal cases incur deportation, that is an entirely different situation to his visa contravention.
  11. He was a draft dodger? He was 40, he could have served his conscription time several times over.
  12. Me too around the same time...small world.
  13. Which Swiss have been, or are being. deported? I don't believe any have nor have any been threatened with deportation. Not having a visa renewed is not deportation...he could be back on the next plane.
  14. "...wife is Permanent with your child?" Did he say that he did that? I'm pretty sure that he denied goosing the old slag, particularly as his wife was "Permanent" [sic]...what?
  15. Some members mistakenly think that posting inaccurate garbage is one of the rules here!
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