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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Thailand Penal Code, Section 295. Whoever, causes injury to the other person in body or mind is said to commit bodily harm, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or fined not exceeding four thousand Baht, or both.
  2. That's a pretty nasty (false) allegation that Thai police give women slaps when "they need it".
  3. Hub of bad spelling, my (i)dear! Before the "grammar police" inquisitors get out of bed and start their hammering, notice the exclamation mark indicating that my comment was a tongue-in-cheek, leg-pull.
  4. Why are you slagging off the airline and insurance company (that was not involved in your booking arrangements) in the media while only giving them a few hours to investigate your complaint and condemning them for "not responding" to your email? Perhaps they may be very happy to correct the error...if they made one...if you gave them a reasonable chance to do so?
  5. What's insurance got to do with being "tricked" by luggage charges?
  6. Th way he has phrased his OP suggests that the girl is not his daughter so, obviously, assuming that the current arrangements remain, he will never have any rights over her.
  7. Vloggers show remarkably similar traits to some Asean Now posters!
  8. Oh, yeah, UOB is a tiny, insignificant bank, barely surviving without new accounts from foreigners!
  9. Was I talking to you? Yes, obviously you were, "for christsake" whether you like it or not, it's a public 'kin forum.
  10. Brave browser has a VPN add-on, I believe, buy they do try it on at renewal with a higher subscription (more than current new sub offers). If you try it on back at them they can give a better renewal offer than new subscribers are being offered. My renewal, due this month, was $99.00 (new subs $52), eventually I was offered $49.50 after a few emails.
  11. Agents do not clear overstays, their Immigration officer contacts do that and make whatever alterations/notations to the system are required.
  12. Whats the got to do with you ralf? It's a subject that you specifically brought up on a public forum, addressing it to everyone who reads it, and have reiterated it a number of times, so you have made it his (and everyone else's) business!
  13. You can because a friend of mine did that very thing! Nonsense. Just because you claim that a friend of yours once did it doesn't mean that it is easily done by the rest of the population.
  14. Their choice, no one, including the government, forced them to buy houses for their wives!
  15. He's 42! He could easily get single trip travel insurance for the next 30-odd years from a number of insurers!
  16. Yes, and the curtains around the beds that his daft mate said didn't exist can be clearly seen.
  17. As I said, it was absolutely nothing to do with grammar, no matter how many times you (wrongly) repeat it. I was pointing out the irony of someone who couldn't get the grasp of how to register for the TrueMoney app also not being able to get a grasp of what the app was actually called - "True Wallet".
  18. Yeah I call BS on the blood already being there. "Call" whatever you like about whatever you like but, then, aren't you the one who used the bizarre phrase "blood leaking from his body"?! If the bed really was blood-soaked don't you think that The Mirror would have shown a photo of it to back their bullshlt story?
  19. It was said he is involved in a desperate battle for survival. It also said that his mate (no doctor said that?) "thought it may be leukemia" or "maybe he was just anaemic", or words to that effect!
  20. Well, The Mirror does have to cover their payment to him for his story by selling extra copies!
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