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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. In reality, there was an eye witness whose account backed the lorry driver.
  2. Doesn't matter, he gave his explanation and an eye witness confirmed the lorry driver's account of what happened.
  3. The light controlling the car's direction of travel is not visible in the photo....EDIT: but it is in the video, you're right.
  4. Why do you think that it's "very logical"?!
  5. Yes, "Downing Street 10", for example, is so much more logical, and easier to locate, than "10 Downing Street".
  6. "...a logical and understood format..." 2023-09-09?
  7. That does not make it conventionally correct nor any other format incorrect.
  8. You must think that "Americans" (as used by the OP) and "The Americas" are the same thing.
  9. The full article also mentions the arrest of the two Russians whom the OP suggested were orchestrating the attack by phone. It's not that difficult to understand if you bother to read the full report properly.
  10. so if they weren't the attackers ..... was it just cardboard cut-outs of them attacking the Italian? No, it wasn't, the attackers were real but they weren't the Russians but then you'd know that if you'd read the OP properly. "The Phuket News reports that three Kazakh men forced their way into the home of an Italian man in the northern sub-district of Chergntalay at around 11pm on Sunday, September 3. The man was bound and gagged, violently beaten for hours, and robbed of personal possessions valued over 12 million baht ... They are believed to have fled the country on an Emirates flight to Dubai on Monday morning, September 4".
  11. You're certainly part of that category that you suggest other posters are part of, doubt that it is "just you", though.
  12. H Mr Pedant, firstly you should know that it is against forum rules to omit parts from a quoted post to change it's context. I'm aware of that rule, that's why I didn't do it. I quoted your one word sentence that directly addressed my comment as "Wrong", there was no other context to that one word response other than my comment was wrong. It wasn't.
  13. Sorry you don't understand anything Shame I only understand intelligible English.
  14. It took a while. The old tried, and true chestnut. "THAI BASHING!" But Frits was 100% correct...as you so correctly said, "tried and true".
  15. To which you replied "WRONG" and, sure enough, there was no video of him drifting!
  16. Now you really show your pedant colours. I never replied to a post that said there is no video of that car drifting. Yes, you sure did!... WRONG Q.E.D.
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