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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "...did not see she was heavily intoxicated". Watch the video! You'll see it there.
  2. But consider that zero duty means you still pay a bit more than 10% As you pay 7% VAT on the landed costs (so including shipping) and you may pay a fee for the customs clearing. No, there is no "10% charge", that is nonsense. The only charge on importing laptops in the manner the OP wants to do is 7% VAT on, as I posted, the CIF value. There are no "customs clearing" [sic] charges.
  3. But what is, very clearly, mentioned is how he lost the money...if you just bother to read it all.
  4. The full report says that the insurer stated that she was "heavily intoxicated".
  5. B0ll0cks, she was pissed, heavily intoxicated, that's the relevant part and the reason that her policy was voided.
  6. Is getting "heavily intoxicated" absolutely the most basic of normal holiday activities?
  7. Well, you haven't been provided with any evidence that she was drunk (but then you're not a party in this case). The insurer claims that she was heavily intoxicated. Falling off the deck was something that this woman did, drunk, whether anyone else would do the same is irrelevant.
  8. Perhaps the yardstick should be, "Would a reasonable person have fallen in that way if they hadn't been as heavily intoxicated as she was?"
  9. Policies do not state that the insured cannot any drink any alcohol, they have exclusions for being drunk and that contributing to the accident, in this case she was, apparently, "heavily intoxicated".
  10. What has the insurer got to be ashamed of? Why not name the place where she got rat-arsed and voided her policy?
  11. Is it so hard to see why a "consumption of alcohol" exclusion in her policy applied as a result of this woman's consumption of alcohol? Or do you just think that insurance companies are charitable institution that should cough up for situations that aren't covered by any policies?
  12. TAT has nothing to do with medical claims in Thailand or shaming insurers. You do know that she voided her policy with the consumption of alcohol, yes? Insurers will do anything to avoid paying claims for circumstances that aren't covered by the policy, as in this woman's situation.
  13. They're "scumbags" because they declined to pay out for something that wasn't covered by the policy?
  14. Policy holders give permission for insurers to access relevant medical information in connection with their claims so no confidentiality question is begged. Your "scumbag " claim is ridiculous if she was well oiled.
  15. True. However, also very effective at catching tree shrews, squirrels, tokays, geckos and birds. How many people have all those in the house?
  16. Well, you wonder. What is "the trouble" that you're suggesting he is in that needs hiso connections? The years-ago coins incident doesn't count.
  17. I hope you're right. I am less confident that all the youtubers here in Thailand have gone about it correctly. I have a friend here in Chiang Rai who does it, and I know he hasn't. You seem very keen to blow Nate up for what you see as his visa and tax law contraventions. Have you done the same to your known-to-be illegal friend in Chiang Rai?
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