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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. What is this medication? What is her diagnosis? What is that to you?
  2. I wasn't referring to Pence. And what makes you think that you know that Trump will be convicted on anything, particularly the farcical espionage charge?
  3. But Congress has. Notice that the justice system has no inclination to find any evidence that a bribe was either offered to or taken by the president.
  4. Ah, so nowhere of any authority or particular accuracy, then... "ChatGPT was launched on November 30, 2022, and gained attention for its detailed and articulate responses ... However, a notable drawback has been its tendency to confidently provide inaccurate information".
  5. Why not? They're very effective.
  6. Where did you get that 'information' from?
  7. You've answered your own question.
  8. What has she said about who's responsibility it is? I'd say that pest control is the tenants responsibility.
  9. "...I need to maintain it". "...a clause in the contract that I can give her 30 days to fix it..." The contract seems contradictory.
  10. And you believed that? Have you anything empirical to suggest that that wasn't the case? Are you one of those who, right from the start, blindly believed that it was the guards, not some foreigners as seen in the CCTV, doing the beating?
  11. You need to read your own link properly, it shows ID requirements being a passport, non-immigrant visa (in a passport, obviously), Consular ID (applies to virtuallly no one, statstically) or a Canadian citizenship card. What that means, effectively, is for the vast majority of foreigners to open an account they need to provide a passport, among other documents.
  12. That isn’t true. In the US, lots of forms of foreign IDs can be used to open bank accounts. Ok, there's one country that maybe, in exceptional cases, doesn't require it.
  13. What are the restrictions that you seem to think exist regarding credits to Thai bank accounts?
  14. A "giant suitcase" isn't needed to carry B7m! Of course, banks have that sort of cash if needed, why wouldn't they?
  15. geeeze Lou, these are grown men for crying out aloud, and they're out playing hide-and-seek !! Jeez, 100, they are grown men being paid to play a part in a video, nothing more, they are not "out playing hide-and-seek"!
  16. I didn't need to watch it, as the heading speaks for itself. If that sort of drivel is your cup of tea then power to you, but not me I'm afraid. I'm confused by your illogical assertion that it is "that sort of drivel" if you haven't watched it! How could you know? You did have a look at it, didn't you?
  17. no i didn't ... i rarely watch any You Tube, only listen music. In that case you can have no idea about what "type of garbage" it might be. To quote you, "IQ ... of 1 i guess. haha".
  18. Why the ridiculous, derogatory suggestion that "the Thai government will confiscate your assets" on your death? That will only happen if you die intestate and have no traceable family or heirs.
  19. If you've never heard of him, how could you know that he "needs a real job"?
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