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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Is that why approximately 90% of all insurance claims are paid out? There is no reason for insurers to pay out for claims that aren't covered by the policy and that does not make them thieves.
  2. Just reading the policy coverage would have saved you wasting your money, no one to blame but you.
  3. Just reading the policy coverage would have saved you wasting your money, no one to blame but you.
  4. Thank you ABI for confirming, once again, that the huge majority of claims (83%) are successfully paid out by insurers.
  5. Yes, I may have done, can't be sure, but I'm sure you've got my comment handy if I did! That would have been a prediction that I did guess wrongly about, I can't be right all the time on predictions.
  6. That's not the point. Why make it more difficult for people in the first place? It is the point when the poster to whom I responded claimed that post from the UK to Thailand takes an age. It doesn't.
  7. Trump "has been found guilty of fraud...hundreds of times?" Garbage. Donald Trump has never been found guilty of fraud, he has never even been charged with fraud.
  8. Trump has been found guilty hundreds of times, in cases where he defrauded people. Trump has never been found guilty of any criminal offence, as so many posters like to assume, that is my point.
  9. "...my suggestion to DT supporters, is..." Is there anyone to whom that does not apply, including the supporters of his opponents?
  10. Agreed... the chances of being checked for Cash is extremely limited, but not unheard of. Op asked for facts... Entry requirements - and that is 20k baht and onward ticket. "Entry requirements - and that is 20k baht" ...yes, for individuals entering on a tourist visa. For VE entries it is B10k or B20k per family.
  11. Liverpool Lou

    Isaan Woman

    Word is that they feel the same about you!
  12. I agree, it's very good for the price but it's not new, it's been around, but scarce (or so insanely popular that it instantly disappears off the shelves), for several months.
  13. The man has skirted the law his entire career. At one point he was involved in 3,600 lawsuits. Do you honestly believe a man who is being sued by that many small contractors is not guilty of more crimes than can be comprehended? Or, do you think he is an innocent babe, who is simply disliked? "Do you honestly believe..." What I am 'honestly' saying is that contrary to many suggestions here, he has never faced and been found guilty of any criminal charges. If he has been found criminally guilty (and personal desires for him to be guilty of something don't count) show me where.
  14. Those are called cover-their-ar5e delivery times, they are not typically representative of actual delivery times.
  15. I think that is for those individuals entering on a Tourist Visa; for visa exempt entry I believe that it's B10k per person or B20k per family. The chances of that being checked on and enforced, in the current climate of Thailand wanting as many tourists as possible, is next to zero unless there is an obvious reason for the IO to be suspicious of the visitor's ability to support himself. I'm sure that you may have a current example to show that I'm wrong, though.
  16. I'm ready for it but I'm still waiting, and still not one link to a case in which he has been found guilty of any criminal offence which was the point that I was making. Anyone can make allegations but allegations are not "guilty" verdicts.
  17. Yes, I will always defend the insurance companies from false generalised claims about payout denials being their raison d'être and irrational knee-jerk "scam" reactions when their claims records are easily available...as I have proved.
  18. Normally, five days or so is all the post takes from UK to Bangkok, hardly an age.
  19. But if found guilty and sentenced to jail time, still has to do jail but with secret service protection present in some form. Is that correct? That would be for a judge to decide but no judge will have to make that decision because Trump will not be sentenced to jail, even if he was convicted and that won't happen either.
  20. Lily-white, he is not. "According to a 2016 USA Today analysis, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts during the previous three decades, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate. Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150.[1] Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court.[2] In the 1,300 cases where the record establishes the outcome, Trump settled 175 times, lost 38, won 450, and had another 137 cases end with some other outcome. In the other 500 cases, the cases were dismissed.[1] In 2016, Trump was elected as U.S. President. Numerous legal affairs persisted during and after his presidency. For example, between October 2021 and July 2022 alone, the Republican National Committee paid more than $2 million to attorneys representing Trump in his capacity as President and in his personal and business capacities.[3]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_affairs_of_Donal Lily-white, he is not". I didn't say that he was. I did ask what he has been found guilty of and thank you for confirming that, so far, he has not been found guilty of any offence.
  21. "why on earth would it [the IRS scam] be a scam?" Because, ultimately, the caller is going to be stealing as much money as he possibly can from you, taxis drivers off the meter are not, and IRS scammers are not "offering a service", they are threatening those receiving the call. That is why "IRS scammers" are scammers!
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