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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Who are you to demand what another person's (maybe) first published comment should be when your first comment here was to have a go at her? According to your rules, your post should have been "to condemn the killer and offer condolences for the victims and families"?
  2. It was actually a woman using and controlling guns that killed, not the guns. You're illogical argument, however, would have been more accurate if you posted that "it was bullets that killed people", not "the sex", nor "the guns"!
  3. Not a man, a woman, a woman who thought that she was a man. "A police spokesperson later told ABC News the shooter was assigned female at birth but pointed to a social media account linked to the shooter that included the use of the pronouns he/him".
  4. Just as obscene is MTG blaming Biden for it................ Marjorie Taylor Greene blames Biden and other 'gun grabbers' for Nashville school shooting She actually blamed the "gun-free laws", that he hypocritically supported, that ensure school children have no such protection while Biden does have that protection afforded by guns.
  5. Or, "more victims killed with a handgun" which would be just as accurate based on what has been reported so far on this thread..
  6. I'm keeping track of all the violent incidents and mysterious deaths involving alcohol. Oh, right, good for you. You're aware of them all and the specifics of the intoxication, then, are you?
  7. Some posters need to read the actual report in the link, not just the OP's different version of it.
  8. And none of the tourists in this incident have been confirmed as being Muslims according to the original report in the OP link, only, possibly, two of the staff who were involved.
  9. Looks as though the "News Team" and most of the posters here have got it wrong, the link that is provided in the OP clearly states that the Jordanian , Egyptian and the third unknown nationality were employees of the restaurant, the nationalities of the intoxicated tourists were unknown.... "Three foreigners who were Mr. MOHAMMAD JEHAD, Jordanian, MOHAMMAD ALOMARI, an Egyptian, and Mr. WAI LU SOE, nationality unknown, who said to police that they worked legally at the bar/restaurant. The three restaurant workers told officers that there were five foreign tourists of unknown nationality who were extremely intoxicated". https://thephuketexpress.com/2023/03/27/wild-brawl-between-foreign-staff-and-tourists-goes-viral-in-patong-phuket-video/
  10. When ever someone uses this in a sentence, it shows that they are a racist. No, rationally, it does not. To accuse someone of that just shows how illogical you are.
  11. https://www.aot-limousine.com/home.html
  12. If the land is in a minor's name it can only be sold with the permission of the court.
  13. Thai can't own a property until 21 y.o. There's no limit on the age of landowners by law.
  14. Something that has no effect, whatsoever, on anyone except you, so why announce it?
  15. Sorry, but you're wasting your time here, I'm afraid, you'll get nothing but sniping comments on precisely the subjects that you asked not to be commented on by people who can't read properly. Your own internet research would be more fruitful as would a conversation with a lawyer.
  16. It could well be his house, it's land that foreigners are restricted from owning, not houses.
  17. As it is for some AN members.
  18. I don't believe that any governments, or drug companies, forced people to have vaccinations against their will.
  19. Which of those planes are British, the only point the OP made? Regardless. it would depend on the pilots' abilities.
  20. If you bothered to read the slogan, you wouldn't need to ask that question...it is "My body [,] my choice", not "My body is my choice". Those in the photo are expressing their right to do what they want with their own bodies, none of them are claiming that they chose the body they have.
  21. He can see what he is buying online, he can select the correct size by knowing his size and he will get a receipt purchasing online...if he chooses. you may not so choose.
  22. Edit: Jesus...why did this get dragged up with a "recommendation" after nearly three years?!
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