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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. I look at it this way, the pilots and the crew have vested interests in the aircraft being properly maintained and their being able to go home after their flights so I'm confident that the maintenance standards are up to par. If the flight crew, who are the ones whose faces will smash into the mountain first, are confident, so am I. Many here will, of course, decry that just because this is Thailand and the aircraft engineers are Thai, even though they have training from the (western) aircraft manufacturers and Thailand's air accident statistics are better than some western countries, such as the US.
  2. I am saying that being vaccinated reduces (but does not vompletely eliminate) the risk of transmitting ghe virus to others. Ok, I'm saying that being vaccinated does not prevent the transmission of the virus also. We agree.
  3. You're saying that being vaccinated prevents the transmission of the virus to others, as the OP's wife thinks, to which my comment related?
  4. Are you saying that a vaccinated person cannot transmit the virus...or that the chances of them transmitting the virus to others is lessened by virtue of their being vaccinated? Is this new science?
  5. Quite right. And he's another UK driver full of his self-appointed "professionalism" who thinks that flashing headlights in the UK means giving the other vehicle the right of way...it doesn't, either in law or by the Highway Code. It's a warning of that vehicle's presence on the road, just as is sounding the horn. That most people do it, wrongly, doesn't mean that it is correct.
  6. You're claiming that Thai domestic flights, statistically, are more dangerous than driving...or any other countries' air accident stats? It'll be interesting to see your stats!
  7. Section 653. Loan exceeding 2000 baht must be written A loan of money for a sum exceeding two thousand baht in capital is not enforceable by action unless there be some written evidence of the loan signed by the borrower. All that means is loans exceeding B2000 must be evidenced in order for any enforceable action to be taken. It does not mean that anyone lending money, to a friend, for example, has to be licenced!
  8. Agree, they handle other accounts. "Handle other accounts", what does that mean? T&G will take any type of case.
  9. Is a "lady lawyer" better than a "man lawyer", why the distinction?
  10. Garbage. He talking about lending money to a friend, not operating a finance/loan business.
  11. No, they'd be happy for you to pay their fees, they don't care.
  12. Why on earth does this "seem to be a contract killing"? There was no suggestion of that, at all.
  13. No, that is not what was reported. RTN responded when they got the call, then it took time to get to the bodies' location
  14. Did she explain to you how her "vaccinations prevent the transmission" of the virus from her to you? I thought vaccinations just, generally, mitigated the worst effects of covid for the person vaccinated. Which is the vaccine that now prevents the virus's transmission to others?
  15. Why don't you offer some content and you put a percentage on it then, since you disagree? Because I don't have to, I'm not the one who made the failing businesses claims, you did, the onus is on you to justify your initial uncorroborated assertions.
  16. How can observations be opinions? Easy, you just said that you had made all these observations with absolutely zero back-up for your claims, that makes them just your opinions.
  17. The article actually say Indian not from Iran He actually didn't post that he was from Iran, he wrote "Irian"
  18. The common cold is a viral infection caused by many different viruses.
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