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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Why would a lawyer be interested in trying to get back a gift that you gave to her? If you're a partner in the business then, maybe, you'd have a case, and. maybe, a lawyer or the police may be interested. Try Tilleke and Gibbins if you want to waste more money, they've got, probably, the best reputation in Thailand.
  2. Being cold (or warm) has nothing to do with contracting a cold virus!
  3. So why didn't you just take your passport and save you, and her, the hassle if you knew that even posting a letter needs a passport?
  4. Just wanted to underline my plebeian condition... Sorry to offend the Patrician you are. You didn't offend me but at least we know where we both stand now! By the way, it's "patrician", not "Patrician".
  5. Well, that's your opinion. My opinion is that it's a huge stretch to attempt to connect two different types of business in three different countries on the other sides of the planet.
  6. What's the difference? They both indicate to Immigration that there was an overstay and they both get entries on Immigration's database.
  7. They're not meaningless if there's a lot of them, or an Elite Visa is anticipated.
  8. I thought they always stamped it but waived the fine for just one day? You're right, they always stamp overstays.
  9. An overstay stamp is always put in the passport, even if they don't impose the fine for one day, doesn't matter whether you're as nice as pie or you act like a stroppy turd.
  10. Except for the fine, neither would two or three, or a few more, days...unless an Elite Visa application was planned for the future.
  11. Ta, that's not bad if stacking up on a few harder to get items I reckon. Deliveries on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will accept orders up to and including the day before. Pretty good.
  12. B300 delivery charge to Bangkok and a minimum B1,000 order.
  13. Just because some readers may not be the intended demographic doesn't mean that it's not of interest, and it sure isn't "this s....", as you so eloquently described it. What makes you think that you're in the position to tell the rest of us what we should or shouldn't be doing?
  14. It is common knowledge in business circles But here's the data you were asking for. 60% of restaurants for example, fail in the first year. 80% of them fail before their 5th anniversary. https://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/20/heres-the-real-reason-why-most-restaurants-fail.html In Canada, 51% of all businesses fail https://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/m_blog/four-businesses-most-likely-to-fail Oh, brilliant, that is not the data I was asking for! You don't understand that the thread/discussion is about unsubstantiated claims of business failures of bars in Pattaya, not completely unrelated restaurant failures in the US and Canada?!
  15. Read again, I said my "observations" not opinion. Your "observations" about something as specific as the numbers of failed businesses with nothing empirical to back them up are just your opinions. Of course, if you have done a credible study of the phenomenon you'd have some credible stats, then it would not just be your opinion.
  16. Time for Google to do something about their translations based on this horrible attempt on the linked article... A wailing truck across the lane.Two sluts, Dr.Female m3, extinguished 1, branch 1...
  17. Um, no, incorrect, you see at the time when I clicked on Daily News in the top left corner of the article, the link it took me too only showed pictures, there was no video at the bottom that I could view for whatever reason, and no, I didn't miss it as I know how these things work. The above said, the person I asked to forward me the link if he had it, i.e. Mickeymaus, did so forward me the same link and I did see the video in the same link at the bottom of the article, why it worked in the same link that he provided me with and not the article I saw on AseanNow, I have not idea, maybe my computer was having a slow day in it's old age ? Um, no, incorrect, c'mon...amazing how the same link didn't show you the video that everyone else could see right from the start, in other words, you just missed it at the bottom of the linked article! Perhaps it was actually nothing to do with the computer "having a slow day in it's old age", we all have them.
  18. And it involves the police prosecuting traffic offences, this case was not a traffic offence involving the police, only the LTD.
  19. What you're referring to are traffic offences, this driver was punished by the LTD, his taxi licencing authority, not the police.
  20. "...no way even remotely connected to the pre existing condition". Without anything detailing that, you have not given a "direct answer" that has any credence. Reads more like an "insurance-bash" and sure isn't evidence of anything.
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